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Authors :
Lorbek, Marko
Završnik, Bruno
Source :
Publication Year :
Publisher :
M. Lorbek, 2016.


V diplomskem delu sem izdelal načrt komuniciranja v marketingu za dejavnost šole vožnje za leti 2016 in 2017. Podlaga za načrt so bile poleg teoretičnih izhodišč ugotovitve iz strateške analize trga, iz pilotne raziskave med ciljnimi skupinami in moje dosedanje izkušnje, saj se s to dejavnostjo ukvarjam skoraj 10 let. Kot samostojni podjetnik sem si v okviru študija zastavil izziv, uporabiti strokovne metode, ki sem jih spoznaval pri posameznih predmetih, na primeru lastnega podjetja, in na ta način sistematično razmišljati o svoji poslovni prihodnosti. Ugotovil sem, da mora biti komuniciranje v marketingu dobro načrtovano. Le tako je lahko učinkovito in služi svojemu namenu. Brez učinka je marketing zgolj strošek, če pa daje rezultate, je investicija v ključne deležnike: odjemalce. Prepričan sem, da sta sistematično razmišljanje in celosten pristop k dejavnosti nujna za uspešno poslovanje, še posebej, če si na trgu sam, odvisen zgolj od lastnega dela, lastne podjetnosti in iznajdljivosti. In the thesis I have drawn up a marketing communication plan for my driving school for the years 2016 and 2017. The basis for the plan, besides the theoretical basis were the findings of the strategic market analysis, the results of pilot study between target groups and my experience so far, as I am in this business deal for almost 10 years. As an entrepreneur myself, I took a challenge to use professional methods that I have learned about by the individual study subjects and apply them to my business, and in this way to think systematically about my future business. I found out that marketing communication must be well planned. It is the only way it can be effective and serve its purpose. Without the effect, marketing is just cost, but if it produces results, it is the investment in key stakeholders: customers. I am convinced that the systematic thinking and comprehensive approach to entrepreneurial activities are of key importance for a successful business, especially if one is in the market alone, depending solely on one’s own work, own entrepreneurial spirit and ingenuity.


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