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1. mednarodni FiberNet javni znanstveni dan

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University of Maribor Press, 2020.


First international conference in the scope of FibreNet project funded by European Commission. The conference brings the FibreNet together international representatives from industry and academia to discuss opportunities and strengths related to bio-based fibre products. In three consecutive sessions, fifteen international PhD students will present their research results, guide you along the value-chain of fibre-based products and give you the opportunity to discuss the future of bio-based materials. Prva mednarodna konferenca v okviru FibreNet projekta, ki je financiran s strani evropske komisije. Konferenca združuje mednarodne predstavnike iz industrije in akademske sfere z namenom diskutiranja možnosti in prednosti bio-vlaknatih materialov. V treh sekcijah se bo predstavilo 15 mednarodnih študentov, ki bodo predstavili svoje znanstvene rezultate, vas vodili skozi verigo vrednosti vlaknatih materialov in vam nudili možnost diskutiranja o novostih in perspektivah bioosnovanih materialov.


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