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Authors :
Vrbinc, Matija
Maletič, Matjaž
Source :
Publication Year :


Analizo okolja za primernost vpeljave sistema Kanban v podjetju Domel, d. o. o., smo opravili na pobudo podjetja, kjer smo poskušali zajeti realno sliko trenutnega delovanja in jo primerjati z dostopnimi že uspelimi vpeljavami v podobni industriji. Namen diplomskega dela je bil prepoznati možne ovire, na katere bi lahko podjetje naletelo pri vpeljavi sistema Kanban. Naredili smo pregled strokovne literature in pregled objavljenih dosežkov praktičnih implementacij. Pri tem smo opisali teoretično ozadje orodij, ki jih podjetje trenutno uporablja in katere bo predvidoma uporabljalo po prenovi. Potem smo naredili raziskavo trenutnega stanja v podjetju na področju planiranja in nabave ter razporeditve proizvodnega prostora. Prav tako smo pregledali tudi, kakšna je trenutna oprema podjetja. Nato smo s pomočjo zaposlenih v podjetju raziskali možnosti izboljšav na vseh teh področjih. Po opravljenem delu smo primerjali obstoječe ter želeno stanje podjetja in opravili analizo možnosti vpeljave, kjer smo poiskali priložnosti, nevarnosti, slabosti in prednosti za podjetje. Analizo smo opravili za proizvodni prostor, nabavo in planiranje ter za opremo. Ključne ugotovitve so, da ima podjetje dobro postavljene temelje za dosego njihovih ciljev, vendar le ob pravilni izpeljavi ter ob sodelovanju vseh zaposlenih na dotični procesih. The purpose of this thesis was to identify possible obstacles the organization may encounter when implementing Kanban system. The analysis of the suitability of introducing Kanban system within Domel, d.o.o. was carried out on the basis of given propositions of the studied. Several steps were utilized including the analysis of the current situation of the studied production process as well as the verification if the proposed implementation complies with state-of-the-art Kanban knowledge. A literature review of the scientific literature and published practical implementations of Kanban system was conducted to build the theoretical framework. At the same time we described the theoretical background of the tools that company is currently using and will be using after the implementation of Kanban system. Further, we made a research on the current state of processes in the company, where we included planning and acquisition, production space, and the current state of transport equipment and packaging. Given the support of the company’s employees we have explored the improvement possibilities for the above mentioned areas. Subsequently we compared current state with the desirable state as well as we performed an analysis of the feasibility of the proposed implementation suggestions by finding on wheatear the implementation in possible by finding opportunities, treats, weaknesses and advantages for the company. The analysis was carried out for the production space, planning and acquisition and equipment. Our key findings are that the company has outstanding foundation for achieving their goals, but only if they correctly carry out the implementation and if there is a collaboration of all the employees in the affected processes.


Subjects :
Domel d. o. o


Language :
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