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Authors :
Vukmanič, Rok
Belak, Jernej
Source :
Publication Year :
Publisher :
R. Vukmanič, 2012.


Tema, ki smo jo obravnavali v diplomskem seminarju, sodi v področje politike podjetja in strateškega managementa. V raziskavi nas je predvsem zanimalo, v kateri razvojni fazi življenjskega cikla se podjetje Železničarki teniški klub Maribor nahaja ter kakšni so njegovi investicijski plani, s katerimi smo lahko določili strategijo rasti. Železničarski teniški klub Maribor je podjetje, katero ponuja oddajo teniških igrišč, učenje tenisa ter prirejanje velikih domačih in mednarodnih teniških turnirjev. Pri izvedbi diplomskega seminarja sem si pomagal s teorijo domačih in tujih avtorjev s področja rasti in razvoja malih in srednje velikih podjetji. V drugem delu dela, kjer sem v praksi obravnaval podjetje, sem na kratko opisal metode raziskovanja ter predstavil raziskovano podjetje, nakar sem izvedel raziskovanje s pomočjo vprašalnikov oziroma anket. Z odgovori, ki sem jih dobil od vprašanih, sem lahko določil razvojno fazo življenjskega cikla podjetja ter določil strategijo rasti. Ugotovil sem, da je razvojna faza, v kateri se nahaja podjetje Železničarski teniški klub Maribor, faza rasti. Ker podjetje misli v prihodnje investirati v izgradnjo nove teniške dvorane ter načrtuje rast na podlagi storitev, katere so ji zagotavljale dosedanjo rast in prinesle največji dobiček, sem za podjetje določil generično strategijo rasti. Podjetje bo generično rastlo s postopnim povečevanjem prodaje svojih storitev in s povečevanjem dobička. Le načrtovana rast in razvoj vodita v uspeh podjetja. The topic that we discussed in the graduate seminar, falls within the scope of business policy and strategic management. In this study we were interested in which development stage of life cycle the Železničarski Tennis Club Maribor company is and what are its investment plans with whoes we could determine its growth strategy. Železničarski Tennis Club Maribor is a company wich offers hiring of tennis courts, school of tennis and is also organizing large national and international tennis tournaments. In the implementation of this graduate seminar in field of growth and development of small and medium-sized enterprizes I have helped my self with the theorys of domestic and foreign authors. In the second part of my seminar I described the methods of my research and I introduced this company in research. After this I implemented the survey through questionnaires. With answers that I got from questionnaires, I could determine the development phase of the company and established its growth strategy. During the research I found that the Železničarski Tennis Club Maribor was in stage of growth. Because of the future investments in a new tennis hall and planned growth in services which had provided its present growth and had delivered major profits for the company I set a generic growth strategy for it. The company will generic grew by a gradual increase sales of its services and by increasing profits. Only planned growth and development leads to success.


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