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Authors :
Čelofiga, Petra
Gönc, Vida
Source :
Publication Year :
Publisher :
P. Čelofiga, 2009.


Diplomsko delo govori o športu v času nosečnosti. Namen diplomskega dela je prikazati pomen telesne aktivnosti v nosečnosti, vlogo medicinske sestre pri informiranju nosečnic in izvesti raziskavo med nosečnicami, ki so športno aktivne. V prvem delu so opredeljena teoretična stališča iz razpoložljive domače in tuje literature. Predstavljen je vpliv športa na nosečnico in njenega otroka, pomen in oblike športne dejavnosti ter načrtovanje programa v času nosečnosti. Predstavljeno je tudi zdravstveno vzgojno delo medicinske sestre, nasveti in vrste športa ter tehnike sproščanja. V drugem delu je predstavljena raziskava, ki je bila izvedena med nosečnicami v Centru Štorklja Maribor. Vprašalnik je bil anonimen in neobvezen ter je vseboval petnajst vprašanj zaprtega in odprtega tipa. Vprašanja so se nanašala na obdobje od začetka nosečnosti (kako in zakaj so se odločile za vadbo) in na obdobje med nosečnostjo (kakšne vplive ima vadba na njih). Anketiranih je bilo trideset nosečnic starih 20 do 40 let. Na podlagi analize pridobljenih rezultatov smo ugotovili, da nosečnice ne poznajo tako dobro pomena telesne aktivnosti v času nosečnosti in da se kar 43 % nosečnic ukvarja s hojo. In my diploma i presented the topic of sports in time of pregnancy. The purpose of my diploma is to present the meaning of physical activity in time of pregnancy, the role of nurse at informing pregnant women and also to conduct a research among pregnant women, that are active in sports. In first part I defined theoretical points of view from available domestic and foreign literature. I presented the impact of sports on pregnant woman and her child, the meaning and forms of sports activities and planning the program in the time of pregnancy. Also I presented health educational work of nurses, tips, sorts of sports and techniques of relaxation. In second part is presented the research, that was made between pregnant women in Center Štorklja Maribor. The questionnaire was anonymous and optional and it consisted fifteen questions of closed and open type. The questions concerned the period from the beginning of pregnancy (how and why women decided for exercise) and the period between pregnancy (the kind of impacts exercise had on them). The survey was done between thirty pregnant women in the age of 20 to 40 years. On the basis of analysis of obtained results we found that pregnant women do not know well the meaning of physical activities in the time of pregnancy and also that 43% of pregnant women are using walking as a form of their sports activity.


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