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Authors :
Vodušek, Saška
Završnik, Bruno
Source :
Publication Year :
Publisher :
S. Vodušek, 2014.


V magistrskem delu smo predstavili družbo Messer Slovenija, d. o. o., ki je del mednarodno priznane korporacije Messer Group GmbH in Nemčije, ki posluje na različnih svetovnih trgih. Podjetje Messer Slovenija oskrbuje preko 3.000 kupcev in v Sloveniji pokriva 40 odstotkov potreb slovenskega tržišča za področje tehničnih in specialnih plinov. V magistrskem delu smo se osredotočili na področje medicinskih plinov in medicinske opreme, iz tega izhajajo tudi ključne ugotovitve. Pri preverjanju prve raziskovalne hipoteze smo se osredotočili na instrumente marketinškega komuniciranja, ki se jih poslužuje podjetje Messer Slovenija, ti so: oglaševanje, pospeševanje prodaje, osebna prodaja, odnosi z javnostmi in publiciteta, priporočila in posebne oblike marketinškega komuniciranja. Tako smo skozi prikaz vseh uporabljenih instrumentov za področje medicinskih plinov in medicinske opreme prikazali način marketinškega komuniciranja. Ugotovili smo, da je za podjetje najpomembnejše, da se pri marketinškem komuniciranju osredotoči na udeležence oz. ciljno skupino, ki jih zanima izdelek in storitev, ki ga podjetje ponuja, saj lahko tako usmeri vso delovanje le na njih. V ta namen je bilo za podjetje Messer Slovenija potrebno opredeliti ciljne skupine za medicinske pline in medicinsko opremo. Ugotovili smo, da podjetje Messer Slovenija uspešno izkorišča vsakega od navedenih instrumentov marketinškega komuniciranja, pri čemer daje velik poudarek osebni prodaji. Osebna prodaja velja za podjetje Messer Slovenija za najpomembnejši komunikacijski instrument, kar je predpostavka druge raziskovalne hipoteze. Razlika, ki jo predstavlja osebna prodaja glede na druge instrumente marketinškega komuniciranja, je dvostranska in osebna komunikacija. Na tak način komuniciranja se gradi dolgoročno sodelovanje s strankami in ponudba se prilagodi povpraševanju stranke. Prodajno osebje se lahko z vsako stranko posebej dogovarja o nakupnih pogojih in le tako pridejo do ustrezne rešitve, ki je sprejemljiva za obe strani. Podjetje Messer Slovenija posveča velik pomen izobraževanju prodajnega osebja. To se vsakoletno izobražuje z različnih področij, kot so: vloga prodajalca, različne tehnike prodaje, uspešna komunikacija s strankami, uspešna predstavitev ponudbe, uspešno reševanje ugovorov, ocena konkurence in drugo. Za področje medicinskih plinov in medicinske opreme se prodajno osebje srečuje z medicinskim osebjem, kot so medicinske sestre in zdravniki. Za usmerjanje prodajnega osebja je dobro poznati priporočila, ki zagotavljajo prodajnemu osebju lažjo pot do uspešne prodaje. Kot primer nekaterih napotkov za boljše sodelovanje z zdravniki lahko navedemo naslednje: zdravniki ne potrebujejo poglobljenega informiranja o izdelkih, ampak usmerjeno diskusijo o bolezni oz. terapiji, v pogovoru ne želijo standardnih opisov ali definicij, temveč prilagojene informacije, ki veljajo za njihovo področje dela. Od prodajnega osebja cenijo vse relevantne vire informiranja, prednost pred številom obiskov dajejo njihovi kakovosti. Če predpostavljamo, da ima prodajno osebje določene osebnostne lastnosti, kot so zanesljivost, poštenost, inovativnost, dinamičnost lahko v povezavi z ostalimi znanji, ki jih pridobijo skozi različna izobraževanja, zelo uspešno vodijo prodajni proces. Tako se še enkrat poudarja vloga in pomen osebne prodaje, ki velja za vsa prodajna področja v podjetju Messer Slovenija za najpomembnejši instrument marketinškega komuniciranja. V magistrskem delu smo prav tako prikazali razliko med prodajnima področjema medicinskih plinov in medicinske opreme, hkrati pa smo prikazali tudi njuno povezanost in prekrivanje. Področje medicinskih plinov zajema segment uporabnikov, ki so splošne bolnišnice, psihiatrične bolnišnice, zdravstveni domovi, kirurški centri, veterinarske ambulante in ostali. Za področje prodaje medicinskih plinov se podjetje ne posveča v tako veliki meri instrumentom marketinškega komuniciranja kot za področje medicinske opreme. V našem primeru so medicin In this master's thesis we have presented the company Messer Slovenia d. o. o., which is part of the internationally recognized cooperation Messer Group GmbH from Germany, which operates in various global markets. The company Messer Slovenia supplies over 3,000 customers and covers 40% of the needs of the Slovenian market in the field of technical and specialty gases. In this master's thesis we have focused on the field of medical gases and medical equipment, and the results and key findings are presented below. When checking the first research hypothesis we focused on marketing communication instruments that Messer Slovenia uses, such as: advertising, sales promotion, personal selling, public relations and publicity, recommendations and specific forms of marketing communication. Therefore, with all of the instruments used in the field of medical gases and medical equipment we have shown the method of marketing communication. We found that the most important factor for the company is that the focus of marketing communication is on the participants or target group who are interested in the product or service that the company offers. Thereby it can focus all the operations on them. For this purpose it was necessary for Messer Slovenia to define the target groups for medical gases and medical equipment. We found that Messer Slovenia successfully uses all of the mentioned instruments of marketing communication, from which it gives great emphasis on personal sales. Personal selling is the most important communication instrument for Messer Slovenia, which is the assumption for the other hypothesis. The differentiation between personal selling and the other instruments of marketing communication is the two-way and personal communication involved. In this method of communication a long-term cooperation with the customers is built up and an offer can be tailored to the customer’s inquiry. The sales staff can agree on purchase conditions with each customer individually, and only in this way can a solution that is acceptable for both sides be found. Messer Slovenia pays attention to educating its sales team. Every year this consists of carrying out training in various fields, such as: the role of the seller, different selling techniques, effective communication with clients, successful presentation of the offer, successful solution of conflicts, appraisal of the competitors. In the field of medical gases and medical equipment the sales staff meets with medical staff such as nurses and doctors. To direct the sales staff it is good to know the recommendations, which provide the sales staff with an easy route to a successful sale. As an example of some guidance for better collaboration with doctors we indicate the following: doctors do not need in-depth information about the products, but focused discussion about the disease or therapy in conversation they do not want standard descriptions and definitions, but tailored information that is available for their field of work. From the sales staff they appreciate all relevant sources of information. For doctors the quality of information they get from a single visit is more important than the quantity of visits. If we assume that sales staffs have particular personal characteristics such as reliability, honesty, innovation and dynamics, then in connection with other knowledge, which can be acquired through education, they could run the sales process very successfully. The role and importance of personal sales is again emphasised as the most important instrument of marketing communication, which is valid for all sales areas at Messer Slovenia. In this master's thesis, as well as showing the difference between the sales areas of medical gases and medical equipment, we have also shown their connection and coverage. The field of medical gases includes the segment of end users that are made up of general hospitals, psychiatric hospitals, health centres, surgical centres, veterinary clinics and others. In the sales field of medical gases the company does not focus as str


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