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Special administrative procedure of Zkme-1 - comparative aspect with ZUP

Authors :
Pekolj, Peter
Grafenauer, Božo
Source :
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Publisher :
P. Pekolj, 2013.


Upravni postopek, urejen v določilih Zakona o kmetijstvu, je samo ena od podvrst upravnega postopka. Za razliko od splošne ureditve v Zakonu o splošnem upravnem postopku, se smatra, da gre za posebno ureditev upravnega postopka. Da pa se lahko določen postopek uredi drugače od splošne ureditve, morajo biti izpolnjeni določeni pogoji. Predvsem mora biti to nujno oziroma je toliko izjem, da se tega ne da urediti drugače. Potem se mora upoštevati tudi pogoj, da se uredi samo posamezne procesne institute, pri tem pa se upoštevajo temeljna načela splošnega postopka, ki se jih ne sme izključiti. Namen posebne ureditve je predvsem urediti tiste pravne institute, ki se zelo razlikujejo od splošnih. Poleg tega bi neurejenost teh pravnih institutov prinesla pravno negotovost. Zakon o kmetijstvu drugače ureja tiste procesne institute, brez katerih bi bil ta poseben postopek nepraktičen in neizvedljiv. Razlog zakonodajalca pri tej ureditvi je predvsem v implementiranju evropske zakonodaje, ki mora biti izvedena v skladu z pogoji EU in upoštevanjem nekaterih drugih specifik področja. Te značilnosti so predvsem organizacijske narave, saj gre v veliki meri za pomanjkanje kadrov, preveliko število vlog, finančni vidik … To se odraža na ureditvi institutov, saj gre pri večini za podaljšanje rokov za opravljanje posameznih procesnih dejanj, omogočanje uporabe določenih skrajšanih postopkov s pomočjo informacijske tehnologije, za dodajanje novih ali odvzemanje določenih pogojev. Zakonodajalcu je uspelo s pomočjo posebne ureditve uravnotežiti razmerje med zahtevami in pričakovanji strank (predvsem po pravni varnosti) z zahtevami, ki se pojavljajo na področju organizacije in implementacije evropske zakonodaje. Administrative procedure arranged in a Agriculture law is just one of the subspecies of administrative procedure. The difference between procedure in arranged in a Agriculture law and the procedure arranged in Law of general administrative procedure is in species of procedure. Unlike the procedure arranged in Law of general administrative procedure, the procedure arranged in a Agriculture law is not special but special. When we arranging a special kind of procedure, we must follow some certain conditions. Firs of all, the arranging od special kind of procedure must be necessary or there must be so many exceptions, that there is no other way. We must keep in mind, that only individual process institutions are arranged specialy and when we are arranging that, we must consider the basic principles of general procedure, which we can't exclude. The reason of arrangin the special administrative procedure is to arrange those legal institutions, that are very distinguish from general ones. Beside that, the unarranging of these institutions would brought a certain leagal uncertainty. Law of agriculture is regulating those process institutions, which are necessary and without those the procedure would be inpractical and unworkable. The legislators main reason for arranging this procedure is mainly in implementing the Eurepoean legislation, which must be arranged with conciderations of terms od EU and some other specification of field. Special arrange of administrative procedure also can mean, that we regulate process norms on a base of EUs material legislations. The features are organizational natures, above all of lack of employees, financial point, number of roles … This is being reflected in regulation of institutes, because there is extension of time periods for performance od individual process actions, enabling of use of certain shotened procedures with help of technology, adding new or taking some of certain conditions. A legislator managed to balance relationship between demends and expectations of involved parties (above all legal certainty) with demans, which are appearing in organisation and implementation of EU legislation.


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