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Authors :
Duhanič, Ana Marija
Širec, Karin
Source :
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Publisher :
A. M. Duhanič, 2012.


V diplomskem seminarju smo predstavili strategijo diverzificirane rasti na primeru podjetja Krka d.d. Podjetje je eno najuspešnejših evropskih generičnih faramacevtskih proizvajalcev. Preden smo analizirali podjetje smo si najprej razložili nekatere pomembne pojme - strateški management in diverzifikacija. Diverzifikacija pomeni dodajanje novih vrst proizvodov oz. storitev k obstoječemu poslovnemu programu. Novi proizvodi in storitve se bistveno razlikujejo od dosedanjih in spadajo v druge skupine, ter hkrati zadovoljujejo drugačne potrebe. Podjetja se za diverzifikacijo odločajo iz razlogov kot so, nezmožnost generične rasti podjetja, kadar želijo odpraviti konkurenčne slabosti, zapolnti kapacitete izven sezone, … V empiričnem delu diplomskega seminarja smo predstavili podjetje Krka d.d., ki je raslo in še raste s pomočjo diverzificirane rasti. Vsi podatki so verodostojni in pridobljeni iz poslovnih poročil in spletne strani podjetja. Na primeru podjetja smo naredili tudi SWOT analizo. In this diploma seminar we presented diversified growth strategy on a case of the company Krka d. d. The company is one of the most successful European generic pharmaceutical manufacturers. Before we analysed the company, we explained some important concepts – strategic management and diversification. Diversification means adding new kinds of products or services to the existing business programme. New products and services are essentially different from the existing ones, belong to other groups and at the same time satisfy different needs. Companies decide to diversify for different reasons like incapability of generic growth of the company, when they want to eliminate competition weaknesses or fill up capacities out of the season time. In the empirical part of diploma seminar we presented the company Krka d. d., which has grown and is still growing by the help of diversified growth. All data is credible and gained from business reports and web site of the company. We also made SWOT analysis on the case of this company.


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