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Authors :
Kocjan, Petra
Kužnik, Lea
Source :
Publication Year :
Publisher :
P. Kocjan, 2015.


Diplomsko delo se nanaša na šege in navade, ki smo jih in jih še vedno praznujemo na Dolenjskem. Na začetku se dotaknemo osnovnih pojmov povezanih s šegami in navadami ter ob enem razdelimo šege in navade na tri področja, in sicer, na šege in navade življenjskega kroga, delovne ter koledarske šege in navade. Sledi glavna tema diplomskega dela, kjer poudarjamo koledarske šege in navade, ki jih ljudje praznujemo na Dolenjskem skozi vse leto. Skozi diplomsko delo analiziramo glavne koledarske šege in navade, ki so razdeljene po štirih letnih časih. Medtem ugotavljamo, da so nekatere šege in navade tonile v pozabo in jih ne praznujemo več, na drugi strani pa spoznamo nove, ki jih danes praznujemo in katere ljudje v preteklosti niso poznali. Za celovito razumevanje diplomskega dela smo namenili nekaj besed tudi o Dolenjski, s katero so te koledarske šege in navade povezane. This paper refers to customs and habits that were and still are celebrated in the Dolenjska region. First, we start with the basic concepts of costums and habits and we also divide customs and habits into three areas, which include life cycle customs and habits, work customs and habits and calendar customs and habits. Than we focus on the main topi cof the paper:the calendar costums and habits that are celebrated in Dolenjska region throughout the whole year. Later in the paper, we analyse the main calendar customs and habits, which are divided according to the four seasons. While we discuss how some old customs and habits were forgotten, we also observe new costums that we celebrate today and that people did not know in the past. Fort he complete understanding of the paper, we also provide a short description of the Dolenjska region, in connection with the calendar customs and habits.


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