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Design and maintenance of jigs in production process

Authors :
Stajnko, Denis
Ulaga, Samo
Source :
Publication Year :
Publisher :
D. Stajnko, 2015.


Diplomsko delo zajema konstruiranje in vzdrževanje delovnih priprav v kovinarskopredelovalni industriji. Priprave so za proizvodnjo zelo pomembne, predvsem pri serijskih proizvodih. Zagotavljajo nam ponovljivost in natančnost pri sestavi in manipulacijah z izdelki. Za različne operacije v delovnih procesih se uporabljajo temu primerno namensko snovane delovne priprave. S pomočjo delovnih priprav se znatno skrajša proizvodni čas in poviša kvaliteta izdelave, kar v končni fazi pomeni konkurenčnost na trgu in krajše dobavne roke. Za sistematično delo načrtovanja in koncipiranja priprav so upoštevane smernice po VDI 2221. Preučene so tudi različne vrste vzdrževanja. Po končanem projektu je bila izdelana analiza pripravnih in izdelovalnih časov pred in po uporabi novih delovnih priprav, kar je pokazalo za smiselno uporabo priprav in upravičenost investicije. Splošno so predstavljene priprave, ki se uporabljajo v kovinarskopredelovalni industriji, in čemu služijo. Design and maintenance of working jigs in metalwork manufacturing industry are the main topics of the diploma work. Jigs are very important for the production process, especially with mass production. They provide repeatability and accuracy during assembly and manipulation with products. For various operations in work processes different jigs are used, which are designed especially for those specific operations. With the help of working jigs time of production process is extremely shortened and the quality of production is increased. This ultimately brings competitiveness in the market and shortens delivery times. Guidelines given by VDI 2221 are followed in the work to achieve systematic work of planning and conceptual design of jigs. Various types of maintenance are also studied. At the end of the work some analyses of preparation and production time before and after the usage of new working jigs are presented. The results showed that it is reasonable to use jigs and to invest into them. General survey of jigs used in the metalwork manufacturing industry and their application is presented in the work.


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