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Authors :
Semenič, Peter
Nedelko, Zlatko
Source :
Publication Year :
Publisher :
P. Semenič, 2013.


Vodenje v ožjem pomenu besede pričnem obravnavati z teorijami vodenja na temelju osebnostnih lastnosti vodij. Slednja teorija je doživela svoje vrhunce na začetku obravnave področja vodenja. Pri tej teoriji o vodenju je osrednji element obravnave osebnost človeka. Poznejše obravnave, ki spadajo v to skupino teorij o vodenj pa se osredotočajo predvsem na relacijo med čustveno inteligenco in uspešnim vodenjem. Čustvena inteligenca pomeni, do katere mere vodja obvladuje svoja čustva, slednje pa vpliva na obvladovanja stresa pri posameznikih. Preučevalci vodenja so dognali, da ni enotnih osebnostnih značilnosti, ki bi vodile k uspešnemu vodenju na vseh področjih. Zato so svoje napore usmerili v preučevanje vedenja vodij. Iz preučevanja vedenja vodij izvira druga vrsta teorij o vodenju, to so vedenjske teorije vodenja. Prednost vedenjskih teorij vodenja je, da se zbrano znanje da posredovati ter na ta način izobraževati vodje za bolj uspešno vodenje. V prvem koraku opazovalci preučujejo vedenje vodij, v drugem koraku dognanja strnejo in jih posredujejo drugim vodjem, kot dobro prasko. Bistvo vedenjskih teorij vodenja je preučevanje relacije vodja sledilci. Pri vedenjskih teorijah vodenja je osrednje vprašanje, na kakšen način potegniti iz sledilcev največ za dosego ciljev organizacije. Vedenje, ki je vodilo k uspešnemu vodenju se preoblikuje v stil vodenja. Stil vodenja si lahko predstavljamo kot standardizirano vedenja vodij do svojih sledilcev, katero bi naj vodilo do maksimalnega učinka skupine za dosego ciljev organizacije. Za situacijske teorije je značilno, da že v prej omenjeni teoriji o vodenju, vključuje še situacijo. Torej situacijske teorije o vodenju preučujejo relacijo med situacijo, vodjo ter njegovimi sledilci. Vodja si izbere stil vodenja, izbor stila vodenja pa je odvisen od situacije ter od sledilcev, ki jih vodja vodi. Vodja mora dobro poznati situacijo, v katero se skupina podaja, dobro mora poznati sledilce ter na podlagi teh dveh elementov izbrati najprimernejši stil vodenja za uspešno dosego ciljev organizacije po učinkoviti poti. Kot most med teorijami o vodenju in prasko o vodenju v nalogi predstavljam dva izbrana modela vodenja. Prvi model vodenja je predstavnik vedenjskih teorij vodenja, drugi model vodenja je predstavnik situacijskih teorij vodenja. The discussion of leadership in a narrow sense of the word starts with leadership theories based on personal characteristics of the leaders. The latter theory has experienced its climax at the beginning of leadership area discussion. In this leadership theory the central element of discussion is human personality. Later discussions belonging to this group of leadership theories are focused primarily on the relations between the emotional intelligence and successful leadership. The emotional intelligence means the fact to which extent the leader controls his emotions, the latter influencing the stress control with an individual. The leadership analysts discovered that there are none unified personal characteristics that would lead to a successful leadership in all areas. Therefore all their efforts were directed towards analyzing the behavior of the leaders. From the analysis of leadership behavior a second kind of theory arises, these are the behavioral theories of leadership. The advantage of leadership behavior theories is that the gathered knowledge can be passed on and so the leaders can be educated to be more successful. In step one the analysts observe leaders’ behavior, in step two they sum up their discoveries and pass them forward to other leaders in a form of a good practice. The essence of behavioral leadership theories is to study the relations between leaders and followers. With the behavioral leadership theories the central question is in which way to draw the most from the followers to achieve the organization goals. The behavior that leads to a successful leadership transforms itself into a leadership style. The latter can be imagined as a standardization of leaders’ behavior towards their followers, which should lead to a maximum effect and the group reaching the organization goals. For the situational theories it is typical that they integrate a situation in the previously mentioned leadership theory. Therefore, the situational leadership theories study the relation between the situation, the leader and his followers. The leader chooses the leadership style, the choice depends on the situation and the followers that are led by the leader. The leader has to know the situation, into which the group is going to go, and the followers, well. Based on these two elements he has to choose the most appropriate leadership style for a successful achievement of the goals of the organization in an efficient way. In this paper we represent two chosen leadership models as a bridge between the leadership theories and the leadership praxis. The first leadership model is a representative of behavioral leadership theories, the second model of leadership is a representative of situational leadership theories.


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