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Colon and rectal cancer prevention
- Source :
- Maribor
- Publication Year :
- 2013
- Publisher :
- T. Petkovič, 2013.
- Izhodišča: Rak debelega črevesa in danke (v nadaljevanju RDČD) predstavlja v razvitih državah in tudi v Sloveniji eno od najpogostejših vrst raka. Z ukrepi na primarni ravni preventive (upoštevanje načel zdravega življenjskega sloga, spremljanje ogroženih skupin) in sekundarni ravni preventive (udeleževanje v programu Svit, takojšnji obisk zdravnika ob simptomih in znakih RDČD), bi lahko zmanjšali incidenco in umrljivost te bolezni. Namen: Z diplomskim delom smo želeli predstaviti RDČD in preventivne ukrepe, s katerimi lahko zmanjšamo nastanek te bolezni ter ugotoviti osveščenost ljudi o RDČD in programu Svit. Raziskovalna metodologija: V diplomskem delu smo uporabili deskriptivno metodo dela. Želene podatke smo zbirali s pomočjo anonimnega vprašalnika, ki je vseboval 20 vprašanj. Raziskava je potekala v splošnih ambulantah Zdravstvenega doma Lendava, junija 2012. Anketiranih je bilo 100 oseb, od tega 50 naključno izbranih oseb starih od 20 do 50 let in 50 naključno izbranih oseb starih nad 50 let. Zbrane podatke smo analizirali in rezultate grafično ponazorili s pomočjo programa Microsoft Excel. Rezultati: Z raziskavo smo ugotovili, da je dobra polovica anketiranih poučena o RDČD in programu Svit, bolezenske simptome in znake pa poznajo v manjši meri. Največ anketirancev je pridobilo informacije o teh temah preko medijev, manj od zdravnikov ter od sorodnikov ali prijateljev, najmanj informacij o RDČD pa so pridobili od medicinskih sester. Odzivnost povabljenih anketirancev v program Svit je znašala 66 %. Sklep: Informiranost ljudi o načinih preprečevanja RDČD in o sami bolezni je izrednega pomena, kajti le dobro seznanjen in poučen posameznik se lahko uspešno bori proti nastanku RDČD in pripomore k zgodnjemu odkrivanju raka in tako tudi k zmanjševanju incidence in umrljivosti omenjene bolezni. Zdravstveni delavci bi morali imeti pri osveščanju ljudi večjo vlogo. Starting points: Colon and rectal cancer (CRC in continuation) represents one of the most wide-spread types of cancer in the developed countries, including Slovenia. The incidence and mortality from that disease could be reduced by taking appropriate measures both on the primary (following the principles of healthy lifestyle, monitoring endangered groups) and secondary stage of prevention (taking part in the »Svit« programme, immediate consulting the doctor at the first signs and symptoms of CRC). Objectives: Our primary objective was to present CRC and the prevention activities which could contribute to the decrease in the occurence of this disease and to assess people's awareness and knowledge about CRC and the »Svit« programme. Methods: In our thesis, a descriptive method was employed. We obtained the required data by means of an anonymous survey, containing 20 questions. The survey was conducted among the patients of the general practitioners in the Lendava Health Centre in June 2012. 100 people participated in it, of whom there where 50 randomly chosen people aged 20-50 and 50 randomly chosen people above 50. The collected data was then analysed and the results interpreted graphically, using Microsoft Excel program. Findings: According to the survey, more than half of the people who took part in it are acquainted with CRC and the »Svit« programme however, the signs and symptoms of the disease can be recognised only by a small minority. Most of the people taking part in the survey received the information about the disease through media, some of them got it from their doctors, friends and relatives the least information was given them by nurses. 66% of the people who took part in the survey had responded to the »Svit« programme invitation. Conclusion: People's being informed about CRC and the ways of its prevention is of crucial importance as it is no-one but a well informed individual that can prevent the occurence of CRC and encourage an early diagnosis, which all contributes to the decrease in the incidence and mortality from that disease. Medical workers ought to have a bigger role in making people aware and in their being informed.
- Language :
- Slovenian
- Database :
- OpenAIRE
- Journal :
- Maribor
- Accession number :
- edsair.od......1857..17d7eb9aeff43fb79f80c3c9ca295444