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Zapažanja o ponašanju odraslih lubina Dicentrarchus labrax (L. 1758) tijekom hranidbe u zatočeništvu i konceptualizacija za uzgoj vrsta

Authors :
Source :
Acta Adriatica, Volume 57, Issue 1
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, 2016.


This paper presents experimental results on the voracity and foraging behaviour of the European sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax adults kept in captivity fed a commercial broodstock feed suitable for the species. The results show that the species is a very aggressive predator even after 2 decades of captivity actively competing for food. The primary sensory stimulus to attack the food particles is vision. The number of food particles in the water also affect the foraging behaviour of the fish. As the number of pellets offered simultaneously increases from 10 to 50, so increases the number of missed attempts to consume the particles as well as the number of collisions between individuals attempting to consume the same particle. However, when the number of pellets is more than 30, the dispersion caused by the fish movements is greater and the fish are able to consume more pellets in one pass and therefore, the amount of pellets is consumed sooner. Conceptualising our results for the Mediterranean farming of the sea bass, we consider that its foraging behaviour as described in his paper should be considered as an indicator of good welfare of the farmed fish. In addition, the species foraging behaviour may have important undesirable side effects such as the infliction of trauma due to biting between fish during collisions as well as the loss of food particles through the cage nets during feeding due to the turbulence the fish create by attacking the food particles and missing.<br />U radu su opisani eksperimentalni rezultati o proždrljivosti i grabežljivosti lubina, Dicentrarchus labrax hranjenog komercijalnom hranom u zatočeništvu. Rezultati ukazuju da je lubin vrlo agresivni predator unatoč 20-godišnjem zatočeništvu. Primarni osjetilni senzor za napad na čestice hrane je vid. Broj čestica hrane u vodi također utječe na potragu za česticama hrane. S porastom broja peleta od 10 do 50, povećava se i broj neuspješnih pokušaja uzimanja hrane, kao i broj sudara riba u bazenu. Međutim, kada je broj peleta hrane veći od trideset, raspršenost hrane u bazenu uslijed kretanja riba je veća, zbog čega ribe mogu u jednom napadu pojesti više peleta hrane, te se hrana brže pojede. Primjena ovih rezultata u mediteranskom uzgoju lubina može se razmatrati s aspekta dobrobiti uzgajanih riba. Opisano ponašanje riba kod hranidbe može imati i važne nepoželjne učinke, kao što su ozljede uslijed međusobnih ugriza i sudara, kao i do gubitka hrane radi propadanja kroz kavez uslijed turbulencije koju ribe stvaraju napadima i promašajima čestica hrane.


Language :
18460453 and 00015113
Volume :
Issue :
Database :
Journal :
Acta Adriatica
Accession number :