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Authors :
Alma Pezerović
Marina Milić Babić
Source :
Ljetopis socijalnog rada, Volume 23, Issue 3
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb, Department of Social Work, 2016.


Djeca su najosjetljivija populacija pogođena ratom, te uslijed svih posljedica koje rat i izbjeglištvo donose, prijeko im je potreban savjetovališni rad. Savjetovatelji koji provode savjetovališni rad uzimaju u obzir sve kulturološke kontekste i pronalaze individualni pristup u radu s pojedinim djetetom. Karakteristike i kompetencije stručnjaka u radu s djecom ključne su zbog kompleksnosti procesa savjetovališnog rada i težine života u izbjeglištvu. Primjena savjetovališnog rada važna je i za budućnost djeteta budući da intenzivna iskustva izbjeglištva ograničavaju prostor koji djeca imaju za razvijanje budućnosti i otežavaju njihovo zdravo funkcioniranje i razvoj u sadašnjosti. Potreba za stručnjacima zadnjih godina se povećava što je primijećeno i od strane važnih svjetskih aktera koji u sve aktivnosti koje provode nastoje uključiti što veći broj psihosocijalnih intervencija. Savjetovanje kao jedna od metoda u radu s djecom izbjeglicama i njihovim obiteljima jedan je od prvih koraka u procesu sveobuhvatne inkluzije djeteta u društvo i jačanja kapaciteta za život u novoj okolini.<br />Children represent the most vulnerable population affected by war: confronted with the adverse effects of war and refugee experience, they manifest an exceptional need for counselling support. The professionals providing counselling services carefully consider the entire cultural context and pursue an individualised approach in treatment for each child. The personal traits and competences of professionals who work with children bear particular importance in the light of the complexity of the counselling process, as well as the extremity of the refugee experience. The counselling treatment significantly contributes to the future prospects of the child in the face of the challenges of life in exile that limit the opportunities for the children’s future, and equally impair the activities of daily living and healthy development of children in the present. The need for professional service has been continuously increasing in recent years as observed by the leading global stakeholders who now include a growing number of psychosocial interventions in all of their activities. As a treatment method, the counselling of refugee children and their families represents the initial step in the process of the overall social integration of children, as well as in their empowerment for life in a new environment.


Language :
18487971 and 18465412
Volume :
Issue :
Database :
Journal :
Ljetopis socijalnog rada
Accession number :