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The appearance and damages of browntail moth (Euprocits chrysorrhoea L.) in 2013 in the area of Prozor - Rama municipality

Authors :
Nino Rotim
Ivica Perić
Ivan Ostojić
Source :
Glasnik Zaštite Bilja, Volume 37, Issue 3
Publication Year :
Publisher :
ZADRUŽNA ŠTAMPA, d.d., 2014.


Gusjenice mnogih leptira predstavljaju značajne štetnike različitih voćnih vrsta. Jedan od opasnijih štetnika je Zlatokraj (Euproctis chrysorrhoea L.) koji u godinama masovne pojave izaziva golobrst voćaka. Na području općine Prozor-Rama (Federacija BiH) u 2013. godini zabilježena su velika oštećenja u nasadima voćaka zbog napada gusjenica Zlatokraja. Osim fiziološkog slabljenja voćaka evidentirana su i odumiranja mladih stabala u nasadima šljiva kao izravna posljedica napada spomenutog štetnika. U slučaju normalne i povišene brojnosti štetnik se može suzbijati dok u godinama prenamnoženja Zlatokraj postaje veliki problem. Da bi se suzbila pojava tog štetnika, primjenjuju se mehaničko-fizičke, kemijske i biološke mjere.<br />The caterpillars of many butterflies represent significant pests of various kinds of fruit. One of the more dangerous pests is Brown-tail moth (Euproctis chrysorrhoea L.) that in the years of mass phenomena causes defoliation of fruit trees. In the municipality Prozor-Rama (Federation of BiH) in 2013, great damages to plantations of fruit trees were observed from attacks by catepillars of Brown-tail moth. Not only physiological weakening, but also dying of young trees in plum plantation were recorded as a direct result of the attack by mentioned pest. In the case of normal and elevated number of pests, it’s possible to suppresse them, but in case of overpropagation it becomes a big problem. In order to combat it, the mechanical-physical, chemical and biological measures are available.


Language :
25843265 and 03509664
Volume :
Issue :
Database :
Journal :
Glasnik Zaštite Bilja
Accession number :