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Authors :
Andrija Kristek
Ivica Liović
Zvjezdana Magud
Source :
Sjemenarstvo, Volume 15, Issue 6
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Croatian society of agronomist, 1998.


Sortna komisija Ministarstva poljoprivrede i šumarstva RH priznala je Institutu za šećernu repu Osijek 1998. godine dva monogermna hibrida šećerne repe. Novopriznati hibridi pod imenom lva i Kaja ovime su stekli pravo da budu upisani u popis priznatih novostvorenih sorata poljoprivrednog bilja u Republici Hrvatskoj. Triploidni monogermni hibrid šećerne repe lva u pokusima Sortne komisije 1995 - 1997. godine postigao je prinos korijena od 67,7 t/ha što je bilo više od standardnih hibrida OS Nada i Astro. Ostvareni sadržaj šećera (14,97%) bio je samo neznatno viši od standarda, a iskorištenje šećera (12,59%) znatno veće od standarda. Veće iskorištenje rezultat je osobito nižeg sadržaja kalija i amino dušika u korijenu novog hibrida. Hibrid šećerne repe lva u tri godine ispitivanja ostvario je prinos čistog šećera od 8,61 t/ha što je za 850 kg/ha više od standarda. Novi triploidni hibrid šećerne repe Kaja u ispitivanjima Sortne komisije postigao je prinos korijena 65,6 t/ha, digestiju 15,43%, iskorištenje šećera 13,11%, prinos čistog šećera 8,64 t/ha što je za 880 kg/ha više od standarda. Svi pokazatelji bolji su od rezultata dobivenih sa standardnim kultivarom. Osobito je veća digestija i manji sadržaj analiziranih melasotvornih tvari što ukazuju da je ovaj hibrid veoma dobrih kvalitativnih svojstava.<br />Two monogerm hybrids of sugar beet of the Institute for sugar beet Osijek were recognized by the Variety commision of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of the Republic of Croatia in 1998. Newly recognized hybrids named lva and Kaja thereby had privilege to be registered in the list of recognized newly established varietics of agricultural plants in the Republic of Croatia. Triploid sugar beet hybrid lva achieved root yield of 67.7 t/ha in the experiments of the Variety commision from 1995-1997. lt was more than standard hybrids Os Nada and Astro. The achieved sugar content (14.97%) was slightly higher than the standard whereas sugar utilization ( 12.59o/o) was considerably higher than the standard. The higher utilization is characterized by especially lower root amino acid and potassium content of the new hybrid. Hybrid of sugar beet lva achieved pure sugar yield of 8.61 t/ha in the three year investigation which is by 850 kg/ha higher than the standard. New triploid sugar beet hybrid Kaja achieved, in the Variety commision experiments, root yield of 65.6 t/ha, digestion of 15.43o/o, sugar utilization of 13.11% and pure sugar beet content of 8.64 t/ha which is by 880 kg/ha higher than the standard, All indicators are better than the results obtained by a standard cultivar. Good quality properties of this hybrid are indicated by especially higher digestion and lower content of analysed molasses-forming matters.


Language :
18489036 and 13300121
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