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Antropološko-kristološki temelji morala Drugoga vatikanskog koncila

Authors :
MIrjana Pinezić
Source :
Crkva u svijetu : Crkva u svijetu, Volume 49, Issue 2
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Catholic Faculty of Theology, University of Split, 2014.


Članak govori o zaokretu morala Drugoga vatikanskog sabora prema antropološko-kristološkim temeljima. Podijeljen je u tri dijela. U prvoj točki ukratko je prikazana antropologija morala posttridentskog i pretkoncilskog razdoblja. Nakon Tridentskog koncila, naime, naglasak je bio stavljen na određivanje onoga što je grijeh, a grešnik je promatran kao “slučaj” koji je ispovjednik trebao riješiti. Kao reakcija na ovakav manualistički moral, u pretkoncilskom razdoblju pojavljuju se različite struje obnove morala pokušavajući što više ući u situaciju konkretnog čovjeka. Druga točka govori o pripremi sheme za izradu dokumenta o moralu i razlogu njezina odbijanja, kao i o smjernicama obnove moralne teologije koju Drugi vatikanski koncil donosi. Treća točka pobliže objašnjava usku poveznicu antropologije i kristologije, kao i važnost te stvarnosti za opći i kršćanski moral.<br />The article talks about the reversal of morality of the Second Vatican Council to anthropological-Christological foundations. It is divided into three parts. The first paragraph summarizes the anthropology of morality in the period after the Council of Trent and before the Second Vatican Council. After the Council of Trent, emphasis was placed on determining what the sin is, and the sinner is viewed as a “case” that the confessor should solve. As a reaction to this “manualistic” moral in period before the Second Vatican Council, different streams of renewal, that had tried to get closer into the situation of a concrete person, appeared. The second paragraph talks about the scheme that was prepared for constructing the document of moral theology and the reason for its rejection, as well as the guidelines for renewal of moral theology that the Second Vatican Council brings. The third point explains in detail the close link between Anthropology and Christology, and the importance of that reality for common and Christian morality.


Language :
18489656 and 03524000
Volume :
Issue :
Database :
Journal :
Crkva u svijetu : Crkva u svijetu
Accession number :