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Poboljšanje kakvoće mljevenog mesa dodatkom praha rajčice fermentiranog s pomoću bakterija Pediococcus pentosaceus i Lactobacillus sakei

Authors :
Elena Bartkiene
Grazina Juodeikiene
Daiva Zadeike
Pranas Viskelis
Dalia Urbonaviciene
Source :
Food Technology and Biotechnology, Volume 53, Issue 2
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology, University of Zagreb, 2015.


In this study, the infl uence of lactic acid fermentation on the quality of tomato powder was evaluated. The eff ect of adding fermented tomato powder to ready-to-cook minced pork meat to improve its nutritional value and sensory characteristics was also analysed. The cell growth of Lactobacillus sakei (7.53 log CFU/g) was more intense in the medium containing tomato powder, compared to the growth of Pediococcus pentosaceus (6.35 log CFU/g) during 24 h of fermentation; however, higher acidity (pH=4.1) was observed in the tomato powder samples fermented with Pediococcus pentosaceus. The spontaneous fermentation of tomato powder reduced cell growth by 38 % and pH values slightly increased to 4.17, compared to the fermentation with pure LAB. The lactofermentation of tomato powder increased the average β-carotene and lycopene mass fractions by 43.9 and 50.2 %, respectively, compared with the nonfermented samples. Lycopene and β-carotene contents in the ready-to-cook minced pork meat were proportional to the added tomato powder (10 and 30 %). Aft er cooking, β-carotene and lycopene contents decreased, on average, by 24.2 and 41.2 %, respectively. The highest loss (up to 49.2 %) of carotenoids was found in samples with 30 % nonfermented tomato powder. Tomato powder fermented with 10 % Lactobacillus sakei KTU05-6 can be recommended as both a colouring agent and a source of lycopene in the preparation of ready-to-cook minced pork meat.<br />U ovom je radu ispitan utjecaj mliječno-kiselog vrenja na kakvoću praha rajčice, te utjecaj dodatka fermentiranog praha rajčice na poboljšanje kakvoće, hranjive vrijednosti i senzorskih svojstava mljevenog svinjskog mesa. U podlozi je s dodatkom praha rajčice tijekom 24 sata fermentacije zamijećen veći rast stanica bakterije Lactobacillus sakei (7,53 log CFU/g) od onog Pediococcus pentosaceus (6,35 log CFU/g). Međutim, u podlozi s dodatkom praha rajčice fermentiranoj s pomoću P. pentosaceus izmjerena je veća kiselost (pH=4.1). Spontanom je fermentacijom praha rajčice rast stanica smanjen za 38 %, a pH-vrijednost je bila neznatno veća (4,17) od one uzoraka fermentiranih s pomoću čiste kulture bakterija mliječno-kiselog vrenja. Osim toga, povećani su prosječni maseni udjeli β-karotena za 43,9 i likopena za 50,2 %. Udjel je β-karotena i likopena u mljevenom svinjskom mesu bio proporcionalan masenom udjelu dodanog praha (10 i 30 %), a nakon kuhanja se smanjio za 24,2 odnosno 41,2 %. Najveći je gubitak (do 49,2 %) karotenoida zabilježen u uzorcima s 30 % nefermentiranog praha rajčice. Zaključeno je da se prah rajčice fermentiran s pomoću 10 % Lactobacillus sakei KTU05-6 može upotrijebiti kao bojilo i izvor likopena u mljevenom svinjskom mesu.


Language :
13342606 and 13309862
Volume :
Issue :
Database :
Journal :
Food Technology and Biotechnology
Accession number :