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The Prayer Life of Blessed Ivan Merz
- Source :
- Obnovljeni Život : časopis za filozofiju i religijske znanosti, Volume 65., Issue 1.
- Publication Year :
- 2010
- Publisher :
- Institute of Philosophy and Theology of Society of Jesus, 2010.
- Blaženi Ivan Merz (1896-1928) ostavio nam je dragocjenu duhovnu baštinu koja je postala izvor nadahnuća budućim naraštajima. Osim pisanih dokumenata, bl. Ivan nam je ostavio i primjer svoga svetačkog života prožetog dubokom molitvom. Sve to predstavlja dragocjeni izvor za proučavanje djelovanja Božje milosti u njegovoj duši kojoj se spremno odazivao i s kojom je velikodušno surađivao. Molitveni život bl. Ivana Merza nije se do sada dovoljno sustavno istražio i prikazao. Ovaj članak želi stoga biti daljnji doprinos tome istraživanju. U prikazu molitvenog života bl. Ivana Merza razlikujemo nekoliko momenata: njegovo svjedočanstvo o vlastitoj molitvi, potom ono što govori o molitvi općenito, savjetujući je drugima, i zatim ono što su o njegovoj molitvi zapazili i rekli drugi. Molitveni život bl. Ivana Merza bio je usko povezan s liturgijom, koja mu je davala osnovni ton. „Živjeti Isusov život s Crkvom“, tako je definirao njegovu duhovnost p. Josip Vrbanek, njegov duhovnik. Pod tim podrazumijeva u prvom redu duboku uronjenost bl. Ivana u liturgijsku molitvu. Osim liturgijske molitve, koja je svoj vrhunac imala u dnevnom sudjelovanju u sv. misi i primanju euharistije, bl. Ivan je obavljao i druge oblike molitve, a to su: adoracija i meditacija, božanski časoslov, pobožnost Presvetom Srcu Isusovu i Blaženoj Djevici Mariji, kojoj je svakodnevno molio krunicu. Njegov molitveni život toliko je bogat i poučan da je Papa Ivan Pavao II na dan njegove beatifikacije mogao reći i ove riječi: „On će od danas biti uzor mladeži, primjer vjernicima svjetovnjacima!“<br />Blessed Ivan Merz (1896-1928) has left us an invaluable spiritual legacy which has become a source of inspiration for future generations. Aside from his writings Blessed Ivan has left us with the example of his saintly life which was permeated with deep prayer. All this represents an invaluable source from which one may study the workings of God's grace in his soul, the grace to which he readily responded and with which he generoulsy cooperated. Thus far, the prayer life of Ivan Merz has not been sufficiently systematically explored and presented. This article therefore wishes to offer a further contribution toward such research. As we look at Blessed Ivan Merz's prayer life, we notice several things, namely his own testimony thereof, his speech about prayer in general when instructing others, and finally the manner in which others perceived his prayer life. Blessed Ivan Merz's prayer life was closely connected to the liturgy which gave his prayer its fundamental tone. Fr. Josip Vrbanek, his spiritual director, defined Blessed Ivan's spiritual life as „living the life of Christ with the Church.“ By this is meant that Blessed Ivan was, first and foremost, deeply immersed in liturgical prayer. Aside from liturgical prayer, the pinnacle of which was his daily participation in Holy Mass and reception of the Holy Eucharist, Blessed Ivan took part in other forms of prayer such as adoration, meditation, the divine office, devotions to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the daily Rosary. His prayer life was so rich and instructive that on the day of his beatification, Pope John Paul II was able to say the following: „From this day forward he will be a model to young people, an example to believers and lay people!“
- Language :
- Croatian
- ISSN :
- 18490182 and 03513947
- Volume :
- 65
- Issue :
- 1
- Database :
- OpenAIRE
- Journal :
- Obnovljeni Život : časopis za filozofiju i religijske znanosti
- Accession number :
- edsair.od.......951..61efa28a2afabe22b2f05a1c5e214618