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Učiti vjerovati u Isusa Krista. Vjera kao ishodište i cilj nove evangelizacije
- Source :
- Bogoslovska smotra, Volume 81, Issue 3
- Publication Year :
- 2011
- Publisher :
- Catholic Faculty of Theology, University of Zagreb, 2011.
- Nova evangelizacija ima istu zadaću kao i cjelokupni dosadašnje evangelizacijsko djelovanje Crkve kroz povijest: omogućiti ljudima da vjeruju u Isusa Krista. Iako se čini da je ova zadaća stara, ona u svakom novom povijesnom trenutku predstavlja izazov, prvenstveno za samu Crkvu koja si mora pojasniti što znači vjerovati? Autor u ovom članku polazi od teze kako vjerovati traži iskustvo učenja. Premda je ovaj pojam često opterećen epistemološkim značenjem, on se u kršćanskom kontekstu otkriva kao proces životnog nasljedovanja, proces sve dubljeg uranjanja u odnos s Isusom Kristom usred života onoga koji vjeruje. No, da bi se uopće moglo učiti vjerovati danas potrebno je vidjeti kako je vjerovanje jedna od temeljnih antropoloških odrednica. O tim antropološkim koordinatama autor govori u prvom poglavlju ukazujući na činjenicu da unatoč poteškoćama s vjerovanjem, čovjek jest biće koje vjeruje. Nakon toga u drugom poglavlju ukazuje na posebnost kršćanskog vjerovanja u Isusa Krista te na prijepore i izazove s kojim se tako oblikovana vjera susreće. U trećem poglavlju govori se o posebnosti teologalne vjere i izazovima koji teologalno oblikovanoj vjeri dolaze, posebice u susretu s novom religioznošću kao jednim od temeljnih izazova za novu evangelizaciju. U zaključku autor ističe nekoliko važnih obilježja vjere koja je ishodište i cilj nove evangelizacije: darovanost, sloboda, osobnost, zajedništvo.<br />The new evangelisation has the same task as did the entire evangelisational actions of the Church throughout history: to enable people to believe in Jesus Christ. Even though this task seems be ancient in every new historical moment, it represents a challenge primarily to the Church itself who needs to explain what it means to believe? The author of this article starts from the hypothesis that to believe requires the experience of learning. Even though this problem is often burdened with epistemological significance in a Christian context it is revealed as a process of life heritage, a process of deep immersion into a relationship with Jesus Christ in the midst of the life of he who believes. However, in order to be able to learn to believe at all today we need to see how believing is one of the fundamental anthropological determinants. The author refers to these anthropological coordinates in the first chapter, pointing to the fact that despite the difficulties with certain beliefs, man is a being who believes. The author then in the second chapter points out the specifity of Christian faith in Jesus Christ and the disputes and challenges that faith encounters. In the third chapter the author speaks about the specifity of theologal faith and the challenges that theologal shaping of faith comes especially in the encounter with new religiousness as one of the fundamental challenges to new evangelisation. In conclusion the author points out some significant features of faith as the source and goal of new evangelisation: giveness, freedom, personality, togetherness.
- Language :
- Croatian
- ISSN :
- 18489648 and 03523101
- Volume :
- 81
- Issue :
- 3
- Database :
- OpenAIRE
- Journal :
- Bogoslovska smotra
- Accession number :
- edsair.od.......951..5f162baaebafba59f3ce022c54bc3601