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Sport in the light of faith: influence in the field of education?

Authors :
Paolo Crepaz
Source :
Crkva u svijetu : Crkva u svijetu, Volume 53, Issue 3
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Catholic Faculty of Theology, University of Split, 2018.


Nadahnjujući se na gledištu pape Franje prema kojem je sport metafora života, postavlja se pitanje: koji su odnosi između vjere i sporta? Postoje li područja i ograničenja toj sinergiji? Sport može biti ključan za odgoj, jer omogućuje onome tko ga prakticira, osobito mladima, ali ne samo mladima, da se otvore događaju života, da kušaju prijeći granice, susrećući se s protivnikom na istoj razini, dajući više od sebe, otvarajući se, na neki način, onostranome. Sport ima moć poučavanja u pozitivnim vrijednostima; on obogaćuje življenje. Svaki od nas koji igramo, poučavamo, organiziramo i podupiremo sport, može se preobraziti preko sporta kao i da preobrazuje druge putem sporta. No postoje li preduvjeti da se to ostvari? Jesu li nužna načela na kojima se valja nadahnjivati? Može li vjera osvjetlati sport? I koji su odrazi na području odgoja? O tim pitanjima prigode za razmišljanje i svjedočenje ne manjkaju: sport je ‘askesis’, asketsko iskustvo, odnosno, djelovanje preobrazbe tijela i duha; sport je ‘paideia’, odnosno, opći odgoj; sport je put odgoja koji se ne temelji na uvođenju, nego na e-ducere, izvlačenju onoga što u osobi postoji; sport je natjecanje u kojem cum-patere znači zajedničko traganje za ciljem.<br />Inspired by Pope Francis' view that sport is a metaphor for life, the question arises: what are the relations between faith and sport? Are there areas and limitations to this synergy? Sport can be crucial to upbringing, because it enables the one who practices it, especially to the young, but not only to the young, to open up to life, to try to cross the limits, encountering the opponent at the same level, giving more of himself, somehow opening up to transcendence. Sport has the power to teach in positive values; it enriches life. Each of us who play, teach, organize and support sport, can be transformed by sport, and can transform others by sport. But, are there any conditions to make it happen? Are the principles that we are inspired by necessary? Can faith illuminate sport? What are the reflections in the field of education? These issues can be discussed and witnessed on numerous occasions: sport is ‘askesis’, ascetic experience, i.e. the activity of body and spirit transformation; sport is ‘paideia’ or general education; sport is the way of education that is not based on introduction, but on ex-ducere, extraction of what already exists in a person; sport is a competition in which cum-patere means joint search for a goal.


Language :
18489656 and 03524000
Volume :
Issue :
Database :
Journal :
Crkva u svijetu : Crkva u svijetu
Accession number :