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Dijalog i navještaj u vremenu religijskog pluralizma

Authors :
Nikola Bižaca
Source :
Crkva u svijetu : Crkva u svijetu, Volume 32, Issue 1
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Catholic Faculty of Theology, University of Split, 1997.


Suvremena pluralizacija svekolikog življenja nesumnjivo je veliki izazov kršćanstvu. U ovom tekstu analiziraju se reakcije crkvenog tkiva na pojačano širenje religijskoga pluralizma, koji sve očitije postaje nazočan i na nekoć monolitnim kršćanskim prostorima. Od negdašnje objektivne društvene činjenice religijski pluralizam postaje danas za kršćane činje­nicom njihove svijesti koja ih suočava s mogućnošću novoga religijskog izbora. Kršćanska je Crkva kao cjelina pozvana posvijestiti svoj odnos prema religijama. Reakciju Crkve promatra se na tri razine: na razini običnih vjernika, teologije i učiteljstva. Dok su reakcije vjernika i teologa tek skicirane s nekoliko temeljnih poteza, središnji dio teksta posvećen je analizi i interpretaciji stavova katoličkoga crkvenog učiteljstva prema religijama. Ti stavovi okupljeni su oko dvije središnje teme: (I) Spasenjska vrijednost nekršćanskih religija; (II) Dijalog i navještaj. Pritom su uzeti u obzir svi iole značajniji izričaji učiteljstva u kojima je ono od II. vatikanskog sabora pa do u novije vrijeme pokušalo, potaknuto činjenicom religijskoga plura­lizma, odrediti kako kršćansko-katoličko shvaćanje religija tako i vrstu odnosa naspram religijama. Analiza pokazuje određenu evoluciju u stavovima crkvenog učiteljstva.<br />Contemporary pluralism of the way of living certainly is a great challenge for Christianity. In this text are analized the reactions of the Church body at the intensified spreading of the religious pluralism, which has been getting more present also in, not long ago, monolithic Christian areas. From onetime objective social fact, today pluralism has been becoming for Christians a fact of their conscience that confronts them with possibility of a new religious option. Christian Church, as a whole, is invited to bring to conscience its relation toward religions. Reaction of the Church is considered at three levels: at the level of the ordinary believers, theology and teaching body. While the reactions of believers and theologians are only sketched with a few lines, the central part of the text is dedicated to analysis and interpretation of attitudes of the Catholic Church's teaching body toward religions. These attitudes are collected around two central topics: (I) Value of salvation of the non-Christian religions; (II) Dialogue and proclamation. For the reason ali are taken into consideration ali, if a bit, more significant statements of the teching body in which it, from the Second Vatican Council untill recent time, has been trying, actuated by the fact of religious pluralism. To define as Christian-Catholic understandig of the religious so variety of relations toward religions. Analyses shows certain evolutin in the attitudes of the Church's teaching body.


Language :
18489656 and 03524000
Volume :
Issue :
Database :
Journal :
Crkva u svijetu : Crkva u svijetu
Accession number :