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Existential Interiority: Newman's road to faith

Authors :
Michael Paul Gallagher
Source :
Obnovljeni Život : časopis za filozofiju i religijske znanosti, Volume 66., Issue 4.
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Institute of Philosophy and Theology of Society of Jesus, 2011.


Važnost misli kardinala Newmana šire je prepoznata prilikom njegove prošlogodišnje beatifikacije. Članak istražuje njegove najvažnije poglede kao branitelja vjerodostojnosti vjere. Nastojat će se pokazati kako je zauzeo stav protiv nekih od prevladavajućih pretpostavki svoga doba; redukcije istine na racionalne oblike, liberalizam ili relativizam koji niječe mogućnost istine te i poistovjećivanja religije s emocionalnim iskustvima. Odgovarajući na ove izazove, Newman je obratio posebnu pozornost na tri bitne sastavnice puta vjere: nužnost otvorene raspoloživosti, osluškivanje glasa savjesti i posebnu uloga imaginacije u činjenju Boga »stvarnim«. Privučenost novom apologetikom bila je Newmanova strast tijekom cijeloga njegova života, no posebno se očitovala u velikim sveučilišnim propovijedima koje je držao u Oxfordu od 1839. do 1843. godine, kao i u knjizi »Gramatika pristanka« iz 1870. Članak će biti zaključen svraćanjem pozornosti na Newmanov glasovit prozni stil, znakovit za dinamičko usmjerenje njegove misli.<br />The importance of Cardinal Newman’s thought has been further recognised in the wake of his beatification last year. This article explores his principal approaches as a defender of the credibility of faith. It shows how he took his stand against some of the dominant cultural assumptions of his age, and of ours: the reduction of truth to rationalist forms; liberalism or relativism that denies the possibility of truth; or the identification of religion with emotional experiences. In responding to these challenges Newman gave special attention to three essentials on the road to faith: the need for an open disposition; attention to the voice of conscience; a special role for imagination as making God »real«. This attention to a new apologetics was a passion in Newman’s whole life, but is seen especially in his great university sermons at Oxford in the years 1839 to 1843 and then later in his book of 1870, The Grammar of Assent. The article concludes by drawing attention to Newman’s famous prose style as indicative of the dynamic movement of his thought.


Language :
18490182 and 03513947
Volume :
Issue :
Database :
Journal :
Obnovljeni Život : časopis za filozofiju i religijske znanosti
Accession number :