S.13.1 Safety and efficacy of rituximab in SSc: an analysis from the European Scleroderma Trial and Research Group
Jordan, S., et al. S.13.1 Safety and Efficacy of Rituximab in SSc: An Analysis from the European Scleroderma Trial and Research Group. Aug. 2017. EBSCOhost,
Jordan, S., Distler, J., Maurer, B., Allanore, Y., Van Laar, J., Distler, O., Fraticelli, P., Pomponio, G., Gabrielli, B., Riboldi, P., Ferraccioli, G., Valentini, G., Bombardieri, S., Malorni, W., Gerli, R., Lunardi, C., Faggioli, P., Corvetta, A., Gabrielli, A., … Bazzichi, L. (2017). S.13.1 Safety and efficacy of rituximab in SSc: an analysis from the European Scleroderma Trial and Research Group.
Jordan, S., J. Distler, B. Maurer, Y. Allanore, J. Van Laar, O. Distler, P. Fraticelli, et al. 2017. “S.13.1 Safety and Efficacy of Rituximab in SSc: An Analysis from the European Scleroderma Trial and Research Group,” August.