An unusual presentation of hypoglycemic distal polyneuropathy caused by an insulinoma in the context of multiple endocrine neoplasia 1
Castillo Sayán, Oscar, et al. An Unusual Presentation of Hypoglycemic Distal Polyneuropathy Caused by an Insulinoma in the Context of Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia 1. Oct. 2018. EBSCOhost,
Castillo Sayán, O., Medina Sánchez, C., Verona Rubio, R., Machicado Zuñiga, E., Mendoza Pérez, G., & Tello Cebreros, L. (2018). An unusual presentation of hypoglycemic distal polyneuropathy caused by an insulinoma in the context of multiple endocrine neoplasia 1.
Castillo Sayán, Oscar, Cecilia Medina Sánchez, Roger Verona Rubio, Enrique Machicado Zuñiga, German Mendoza Pérez, and Lida Tello Cebreros. 2018. “An Unusual Presentation of Hypoglycemic Distal Polyneuropathy Caused by an Insulinoma in the Context of Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia 1,” October.