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The effect of addition of various amounts of sodium butyrate in the diet on health and performance of piglets

Authors :
Peurača, Mile
Marković, Radmila
Šefer, Dragan
Baltić, Milan Ž.
Mišić, Dušan
Ušćebrka, Gordana
Source :
Универзитет у Београду
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Универзитет у Београду, Факултет ветеринарске медицине, 2017.


Cilj rada je bio da se ispita uticaj i stimulativno dejstvo proizvoda na bazi natrijum butirata u ishrani zalučene prasadi na proizvodne parametre i zdravstveno stanje životinja. Ogled je organizovan u kontrolisanim uslovima po ogledno kontrolnim grupama na komercijalnoj farmi svinja Vladimirovac koja posluje u sklopu kompanije Delta Agrar. Ogled na zalučenim prasadima je trajao 54 dana. Prasad korišćena u ogledu podeljena su u 3 grupe (dve ogledne i jedna kontrolna grupa) po 16 prasadi, ukupno 48 životinja. Prasad iz ogleda su bili hibridi rasa veliki jorkšir, danski landras i durok. Prasad su odbijena sa starošću 24±1 dan. Kontrolna grupa prasadi je hranjena smešom bez dodatka oglednog preparata na bazi natrijum butirata. Ogledne grupe (O-I i O-II) su dobijale hranu sa dodatkom natrijum butirata u količini od 3 kg/t odnosno 5 kg/t gotove smeše. Tokom trajanja ogleda praćeni su proizvodni rezultati i zdravstveno stanje prasadi. Ispitivanja su urađena na prasadima oba pola. Na početku ogleda izvršeno je merenje mase zalučene prasadi. Početna masa prasadi je bila 6,56±0,02 kg. U toku trajanja ogleda izvršena su četiri kontrolna merenja i izmerena je utrošena količina hrane. Izvršena je hemijska analiza uzoraka hrane i izračunati su proizvodni rezultati. Na kraju ogleda iz svake grupe je zaklano po 6 prasadi, ukupno 18 životinja, a prilikom klanja uzeti su uzorci creva, sadržaja creva, kao i uzorci jetre i bubrega. U toku trajanja ogleda prasad kontrolne i oglednih grupa bila su klinički zdrava, vitalna i uobičajenog ponašanja. Prosečne telesne mase kao i prirasti prasadi bili su ujednačeni kod kontrolne i oglednih grupa do 33. dana ogleda. Na kraju ogleda prosečne telesne mase, odnosno prosečni prirasti prasadi oglednih grupa bili su statistički značajno veći od prosečnih telesnih masa, odnosno prosečnih prirasta prasadi kontrolne grupe. Ukupna i dnevna konzumacija hrane bila je veća kod kontrolne grupe prasadi u odnosu na ukupnu, odnosno dnevnu konzumaciju oglednih grupa prasadi. Najbolju konverziju imala su prasad O-I grupe, zatim prasad O-II grupe, a najlošiju konverziju su imala prasad kontrolne grupe. Prosečna masa trupa, kao i prosečni randman klanja bili su statistički značajno veći kod oglednih grupa prasadi u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu. Prosečne mase, odnosno prosečne dužine pojedinih segmenata creva, kao i prosečna ukupna masa, odnosno prosečna ukupna dužina creva oglednih grupa bile su statistički značajno veće u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu prasadi, sa izuzetkom prosečne mase kolona i prosečne dužine duodenuma koje su bile statistički značajno veće kod kontrolne grupe prasadi. Između pH vrednosti intestinalnog sadržaja tankog, odnosno debelog creva ispitivanih grupa prasadi nisu utvrđene statistički značajne razlike. U uzorcima sadržaja ileuma, odnosno cekuma kontrolne i oglednih grupa prasadi nisu utvrđene statistički značajne razlike između prosečnih vrednosti ukupnog broja aerobnih mezofilnih bakterija, vrsta Enterococcus i vrsta Lactobacillus... The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of the stimulating effect of products based on sodium butyrate in the diet of weaned piglets on performance and health of the animals. Experiment was organized in controlled conditions (experimental and control groups) on a commercial pig farm Vladimirovac that operates within the company Delta Agrar. Experiment on weaned piglets lasted 54 days. Piglets used in the experiment were divided into 3 groups (two experimental and one control group) of 16 piglets, a total of 48 animals. Piglets in the experiment were hybrids of breeds Large White, Danish Landrace and Duroc. Piglets were weaned at the age of 24±1 day. A control group of piglets was fed with the mixture without the addition of preparation based on sodium butyrate. Experimental groups (O-I and O-II) were fed with the addition of sodium butyrate in an amount of 3 kg/t and 5 kg/t of feed mixture. During the experiment, health and performance of piglets were monitored. Examinations were conducted on piglets of both sexes. At the beginning of the experiment weight of weaned piglets were measured. Starting weight of piglets was 6.56±0.02 kg. During the experiment, it was performed 4 control measurements and a measure of the consumed feed. Chemical analysis of feed samples was conducted and the production results were calculated. At the end of the experiment 6 piglets from each group were slaughtered, a total of 18 animals. After slaughter samples of intestines, intestinal contents, as well as samples of liver and kidney were taken. During the experiment, piglets from control and experimental groups were clinically healthy, vital and with normal behaviour. Average body weight and weight gain of piglets were uniform in the control and experimental groups to 33. day of experiment. At the end of the experiment the average body weight and average weight gain of piglets in experimental groups were significantly higher than the average body weight, and average weight gain of piglets in the control group. The total and daily feed intake were higher in the control group of piglets compared to the total and daily feed intake of the experimental groups of piglets. The best conversion had piglets of O-I group, then piglets of O-II group and the worst feed/gain ratio had piglets of the control group. The average carcass weight and average carcass yield was statistically significantly higher in the experimental groups of piglets compared to the control group. Average weight and average length of individual segments of intestine, as well as the average total weight and average total length of the intestine in the experimental groups of piglets were significantly higher than the control group of piglets, with the exception of the average mass of the colon and the average length of the duodenum, which were significantly higher in the the control group of piglets. Intestine content pH values of the small and large intestine of piglets in examined groups showed no statistically significant differences. In the samples of the content in the ileum and cecum of the piglets in the control group compared to the samples of the content in the ileum and cecum of the piglets in experimental groups were no statistically significant differences between the average values of the total number of aerobic mesophilic bacteria, Enterococcus species and Lactobacillus species...


Language :
Database :
Journal :
Универзитет у Београду
Accession number :