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Fitoremedijacija zagađenih voda biljkom Canna indica L. i odabranim dekorativnim makrofitama

Authors :
Čule, Nevena M.
Vilotić, Dragica
Sredojević, Zorica
Bojović, Srđan
Veselinović, Milorad
Ivetić, Marko
Source :
Универзитет у Београду
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Универзитет у Београду, Студије при универзитету, 2016.


Multidisciplinarna istraživanja u ovom radu su usmerena ka iznalaženju ekološki prihvatljivog, efikasnog i ekonomski isplativog rešenja za tretman i revitalizaciju vodenih površina i vodotokova zagađenim antropogenim uticajima. Cilj ovog istraživanja je određivanje fitoremedijacionog potencijala dekorativne biljke Canna indica L. (kana) u laboratorijskim uslovima, kako i određivanje fitoremedijacionog potencijala ove vrste i odabranih makrofita - Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steud. (syn. Phragmites communis Trin., trska), Iris pseudacorus L. (barska perunika), Iris sibirica 'Perry's Blue' (sibirska perunika), Alisma plantago - aquatica L. (vodena bokvica), Lythrum salicaria L. (potočnjak) i Menyanthes trifoliata L. (grčice) u okviru biološkog sistema za prečišćavanje zagađenih voda. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata u okviru ove faze istraživanja, kao i određivanja efikasnosti biološkog sistema za uklanjanje različitih polutanata iz zagađene vode i prethodnih saznanja, dat je model Sistema plutajućih ostrva, koji bi nadalje mogao da se koristi na rekama, jezerima i barama. U okviru poslednje faze istraživanja utvrđeni su ekološki efekti, definisan je ekonomski model i dati su parametri efikasnosti predloženog modela Sistema plutajućih ostrva za primenu u praksi. Rezultati ispitivanja fitoremedijacionog potencijala vrste Canna indica L. u laboratorijskim uslovima su pokazali da kana usvaja značajne količine olova (Pb) pri različitim koncentracijama Pb u medijumu za gajenje i da pri tome reguliše usvajanje Pb tako da koncentracija ciljanog metala u biljnom tkivu odražava njegove koncentracije u medijumu za gajenje. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata zaključeno je da se sadržaj Pb u biljnim tkivima povećava sa povećanjem vremena izloženosti kane ispitivanom teškom metalu i da biljka limitira translokaciju Pb iz korena u nadzemne delove nezavisno od koncentracije Pb u medijumu za gajenje. Zbog izuzetno malog faktora translokacije koncentracija Pb u podzemnoj biomasi kane je i do 90 puta veća u odnosu na akumulaciju Pb u nadzemnoj biomasi. Istraživanja su pokazala i da je kana dobar akumulator u skladu sa svojom sposobnošću da usvaja, akumulira i toleriše različite koncentracije Pb u svojim tkivima i da je pri tome tolerantna na visoke koncentracije Pb u medijumu za gajenje... Multidisciplinary research in this paper was concentrated on finding environmentally friendly, efficient and cost-effective solutions for the treatment and revitalization of rivers and lakes contaminated by anthropogenic influences. The aim of this study was to determine the phytoremediation potential of decorative plants Canna indica L. (Indian shot) in laboratory conditions as well as determination of phytoremediation potential of this species and selected macrophytes - Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steud. (syn. Phragmites communis Trin., Common reed), Iris pseudacorus L. (Yellow iris), Iris sibirica 'Perry's Blue' (Siberian iris), Alisma plantago - aquatica L. (Common water-plantain), Lythrum salicaria L. (Purple loosestrife) and Menyanthes trifoliata L. (Bogbean) in biological system for the treatment of polluted water. The model of System with floating islands was given based on the results obtained in this phase of research, and determining the efficiency of the biological system to remove various pollutants from contaminated water and previous findings. Furthermore this model could be used on rivers, lakes and ponds. The environmental effects were identified, the economic model was defined and the parameters of efficiency of the proposed model of System with floating islands for use in practice were given within the last phase of the research. The results obtained by determining phytoremediation potential of decorative plant C. indica in laboratory conditions showed that Indian shot can accumulate significant amounts of lead (Pb) when grown in various concentrations of Pb in the culture medium and thereby regulate the uptake of Pb so that the concentration of the targeted metal in plant tissue reflects its concentration in culture medium. The following conclusions can be drawn from present study - the content of Pb in plant tissue increased with time of exposing C. indica to tested heavy metal and that the plant limited Pb translocation from root to shoot independently of Pb concentration in culture medium. Due to the extremely low translocation factor Pb concentration of below-ground biomass was up to 90 folds higher compared to the Pb content in above-ground biomass. This study has shown that C. indica is good accumulator in accordance with its capacity to uptake, accumulate and tolerate different concentrations of Pb in its tissues and that this plant is tolerant to high concentrations of Pb in the culture medium...


Language :
Database :
Journal :
Универзитет у Београду
Accession number :