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Važnost primene retorike u metodici nastave francuskog jezika

Authors :
Milovanović, Vojka
Elaković-Nenadović, Ana
Samardžija-Grek, Tatjana
Radulović, Ifigenija
Source :
Универзитет у Београду
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Универзитет у Београду, Филолошки факултет, 2018.


Ovaj rad bavi se rezultatima primene elemenata retorike u metodici nastave francuskog jezika. Primarni cilj istraživanja jeste da se analiziraju retorički elementi koji bi mogli da budu upotrebljeni u nastavi francuskog jezika, sa posebnim osvrtom na nastavu usmene produkcije, motivaciju i ispit DELF za nivo B1. Ti elementi posmatrani su kroz projekat Ministarstva prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja Republike Srbije i Ambasade Republike Francuske u Srbiji „DELF u školskim ustanovama“. U prikupljanju korpusa za ovo istraživanje učestvovali su nastavnici u srpskim školama iz škola u projektu kao i nastavnici Francuskog instituta. Sekundarni cilj istraživanja jeste da se pregledom literature, analizom i komparativnom metodom predstave školski udžbenici za nivo B1 i priručnici namenjeni pripremi kandidata za polaganje ovog ispita. Korpus ovog istraživanja ekscerpiran je iz školskih udžbenika “Bellville 3”, “Version originale vert” i “Le Nouveau Taxi 3” kao i priručnika “DELF scolaire et junior B1” i “Expression orale-compétences A2+B1”. U nastavi francuskog jezika, učenici se susreću sa različitim tipovima aktivnosti koje imaju za cilj ostvarenje komunikativne kompetencije. Kao krajnji produkt tih napora da se usklade sve kompetencije jeste polaganje ispita iz francuskog jezika DELF (nivo B1) i sticanje međunarodno priznate diplome o znanju jezika. Budući da učenik ima razloge praktične prirode, koji vezuju učenje francuskog jezika za karijeru i obrazovanje, onda će takvi učenici biti motivisani za polaganje ovog ispita, jer će im dobijena diploma pomoći u daljem školovanju i karijeri. S druge strane, ako se jezik uči u komunikacijskoj situaciji, neophodno je omogućiti učenicima uslove za ostvarenje komunikacije u nastavnom procesu. Mehanizme koji bi to mogli da omoguće, analiziraćemo kroz udžbenike i priručnike usaglašene sa planom i programom Ministarstva prosvete Republike Srbije i pisanih na osnovu Zajedničkog evropskog okvira, ali i kroz instrumente retorike koji bi mogli da pomognu u ostvarenju komunikativne kompetencije. This paper deals with the methodology of application of rhetorical elements in French language teaching. The primary objective of the research was to analyse the rhetorical elements that could be used in French language teaching, with the special emphasis on the oral expression, motivation and DELF exam, level B1. These elements were observed through the mutual project of The Ministry of Education of the Republic of Serbia and the French Embassy named “DELF in the School Facilities”. The teachers in the Serbian schools and the teachers of the French Institute, participating in the project, all took part in collecting the corps for this research. The secondary objective of the research is to present textbooks for the level B1 and manuals intended for the participation of those who want to take this exam by reviewing literature, analysis and comparative method. The corps of the research was excerpted from the textbook “Belleville 3”, “Version originale vert” and “Le Nouveau Taxi 3” as well as the manuals “Delf scolaire et junior B1” and “Espression orale-compétences A2+ B1”. In French language classes, students encounter various types of activities aimed to achieving communicative competence. The ultimate product of these efforts to match all those competences is talking the DELF exam in French language (level B1) and acquiring the internationally recognised certificate in language proficiency. If the students have practical reasons to study French related to career and education, than such students will be motivated to take this exam as received diploma would help them in further education and career. On the other hand, if the language is learned through the usage in communicative situation, it is necessary to provide students with conditions for achieving communication in the learning process, through textbooks and manuals in line with the curriculum and written on the basis of the Common European Framework, as well as through rhetorical instruments that may help to achieve communicative competence. The application of the rhetoric in French language teaching improves the quality of teaching and the overall competence of both teachers and students, the knowledge of the true needs of the education, motivational capacity and empathetic orientation.


Language :
Database :
Journal :
Универзитет у Београду
Accession number :