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Effect of wearing complete dentures on hyoid bone position and pharyngeal diameter

Authors :
Yasushi, TAMADA
Junichi, FURUYA
Division of Removable Prosthodontics, Department of Prosthodontics, School of Dentistry, Iwate Medical University
Source :
岩手医科大学歯学雑誌 = Dental journal of Iwate Medical University. 36(3):141-152
Publication Year :


高齢者の摂食・嚥下機能を考える上では,加齢変化による摂食・嚥下機能の予備力低下を考慮する必要がある.特に,加齢による中咽頭拡大という器質的な変化は,咽頭残留の増加などの機能的変化の一因となると考えられている.一方,高齢者の口腔には,上下顎に全部床義歯が装着されていることが多く,義歯の装着と撤去は下顎位を偏位させて,中咽頭の形態に影響を及ぼすと推察されるが,その詳細は明らかになっていない.そこで本研究では,全部床義歯の装着状況が中咽頭の三次元的形態に与える影響を明らかにすることを目的とした.対象は,全部床義歯装着者17名(平均年齢72.9±9.2歳)とした.上下顎全部床義歯装着(上下顎あり),上顎全部床義歯装着(上顎のみ),上下顎全部床義歯非装着(上下顎なし)の3条件において,CBCTによる撮影を行い,三次元解析を用いて1)下顎の位置(FMA),2)舌骨の位置,3)中咽頭の幅径を測定し,各条件間で比較検討を行った.FMAは,上下顎ありに比べて,他の2条件では有意に減少した.舌骨の位置は,上下顎なしでは,上下顎ありに比べ有意に上方また前方に移動した.中咽頭の前後径は,喉頭蓋谷最深点の高さにおいて,上下顎なしでは,他の2条件に比べ有意に増加した.左右径は,上下顎なしでは,上下顎ありに比べ舌背と舌根の境界の高さ,および喉頭蓋谷最深点での高さにおいて有意に増加した.全部床義歯の撤去は,下顎を前上方に回転させ,舌骨を前上方に牽引する.その結果,舌根部が前方移動し,中咽頭の下部が前後左右方向に拡大したものと考えられた.義歯の撤去は,加齢によって生じた中咽頭の拡大という予備力低下のさらなる増悪に通じ,嚥下の際により大きな筋の収縮を必要とさせると考えられた.摂食・嚥下障害を有する高齢者は義歯が必要にも関わらず装着していないことも多く,本研究の結果より,義歯装着の新たな重要性が示された.<br />In rehabilitation for dysphagia in the elderly, it is necessary to take into account both age-related changes and reduced reserve capacity for swallowing. Especially, since it was thought that the oropharyngeal expansion as morphological age-related change causes functional changes such as pharyngeal residue. Wearing complete dentures is common in elderly people, and although wearing and removing dentures is thought to affect the morphology of the oropharynx, the details of this effect remain unclear. The present study aimed to elucidate the relationship between wearing dentures and changes in the hyoid bone position and pharyngeal diameter. The subjects were 17 elderly people fitted with complete dentures who underwent cone-beam computed tomography imaging while wearing maxillary and mandibular dentures (MM), maxillary denture only (OM), and with neither maxillary nor mandibular dentures (ED). Computed tomography images were subjected to analysis of mandibular position (FMA), hyoid bone position, and antero-posterior and left-right oropharyngeal diameters. FMA decreased significantly in the order MM, OM, ED. In the ED condition, the hyoid bone shifted significantly in the antero-superior direction as compared with the MM and OM conditions. Antero-posterior and left-right oropharyngeal diameters in the ED condition were significantly larger than those in the MM condition at the height of the base of the epiglottis. Removal of complete dentures causes an antero-superior shift of the mandible, resulting in an anterior and superior shift of the hyoid bone and the expansion of the inferior part of the oropharynx. These findings suggest that removal of dentures exacerbate reduced reserve capacity for swallowing by age-related changes in the elderly.


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岩手医科大学歯学雑誌 = Dental journal of Iwate Medical University
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