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Buildings with Freestanding Munamochibashira and Ancestor Ritual (Research Papers I The Settlement Theory of the Yayoi Period)

Source :
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History. 149:55-90
Publication Year :
Publisher :
国立歴史民俗博物館, 2009.


独立棟持柱建物は,Ⅰ類)居住域に伴う場合と,Ⅱ類)墓域に伴う場合がある。Ⅰ類にはA類)竪穴住居と混在する,B類)特定の場所を占める,C類)区画に伴う,という三つのパターンがある。A類からC類への流れは,共同体的施設から首長居館の施設への変貌を示すもので,古墳時代へと溝や塀で囲まれ秘儀的性格を強めて首長に独占されていった。弥生土器などの絵画に描かれた独立棟持柱建物の特殊な装飾,柱穴などから出土した遺物からすると,この種の建物に祭殿としての役割があったことは間違いない。問題は祭儀の内容だが,Ⅱ類にそれを解く手がかりがある。北部九州地方では,弥生中期初頭から宗廟的性格をもつ大型建物が墓域に伴う。中期後半になると,楽浪郡を通じた漢文化の影響により,大型建物は王権形成に不可欠な祖霊祭祀の役割を強めた。福岡県平原遺跡1号墓は,墓坑上に祖霊祭祀のための独立棟持柱建物がある。建物は本州・四国型であるので,近畿地方から導入されたと考えられる。したがって,近畿地方の独立棟持柱建物には,祖霊祭祀の施設としての役割があったとみなせる。ところが,近畿地方でこの種の建物は墓に伴わない。近畿地方では祖霊を居住域の独立棟持柱建物に招いて祭ったのであり,王権の形成が未熟な弥生中期の近畿地方では,墳墓で祖霊を祭ることはなかった。しかし,弥生後期終末の奈良県ホケノ山墳丘墓の墓坑上には独立棟持柱建物が建っている。畿内地方の王権形成期に,北部九州からいわば逆輸入されたのである。南関東地方のこの種の建物も祖霊祭祀の役割をもつが,それは在地の伝統を引いていた。独立棟持柱建物の役割の一つは祖霊祭祀であるという点で共通している一方,その系譜や展開は縄文文化の伝統,漢文化との関係,王権の位相などに応じて三地域で三様だった。<br />In buildings with freestanding munamochibashira (gable end ridge-bearing pillars), the munamochibashira supporting the ridge in the center of the roof are hottatebashira (earthfast posts) situated some distance from the gable side. Up until Middle Yayoi, these buildings were communal in character, but in late Yayoi and the beginning of the Kofun period they were enclosed by trenches or walls, had a secretive aspect and were used exclusively by chiefs. Based on special decorations of these buildings in pictures incised on Yayoi pottery as well as relics excavated from post holes, it would appear that this type of building served as a shrine.Since in northern Kyushu large buildings where ancestors were worshipped were found along with burial precincts in early Middle Yayoi, we know that from early on rites for the spirits of ancestors were held in these large buildings adjoining cemeteries. In the No.1 tomb at the Hirabaru Site in Fukuoka Prefecture there is a building for ancestor ritual with freestanding munamochibashira on top of the burial chamber. Since the building is in the Honshu and Shikoku style, it follows that it was introduced from the Kinki region. We may assume, therefore, that buildings with freestanding munamochibashira in the Kinki region were used for ancestor ritual.However, this type of building found in the Kinki region is not found alongside burial precincts. In this region, people worshipped their ancestors in buildings with freestanding munamochibashira located within inhabited zones. Nonetheless, at the Mount Hokeno tumulus in Nara Prefecture dating from the end of Late Yayoi, there is a building with freestanding munamochibashira on top of a burial chamber, which was introduced from northern Kyushu at the time of the establishment of imperial authority in the Kinai region. In southern Kanto this type of building also performed a similar role, although it inherited local traditions. Although buildings with freestanding munamochibashira have the role of ancestor ritual in common, their development differed in each of the three regions.


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Journal :
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History
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