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Öğrencilere Verilen Planlı Eğitimin Menstruasyon Hijyen Davranışlarına Etkisi
- Source :
- Uluslararası İnsan Bilimleri Dergisi; Vol 1, No 1 (2004), Journal of Human Sciences; Vol 1, No 1 (2004)
- Publication Year :
- 2006
- Publisher :
- Sakarya University, 2006.
- This study was carried out as single-grouped pre-test, post-test semiexperiment model with the aim at determining the impact of planned health educationgiven to the students oriented to menstruation hygiene behaviour.186 girl studentsexperiencing menstruation and attending to the first, second and third classes of 􀃹ükrüPa􀃺a High School were included in the study content. The sampling was not chosenfrom the study content, but the whole subjects of the study were included in the studycontend. The data of the study were collected by means of the question surveyprepared by researcher. The study was carried out by volunteer students after therequired permissions had been taken. In the evaluation of the data, Mc-Nemar andChi-square test were used. According to the findings of the study; it was found outthat the ratio of those who have a bath during menstruation period was 68.9 % ;those having bath excessively was 58.6 %, the ratio of those having a bath as in theway shower standing was 47.3 % and the ratio of those who use of cotton underwaterwear was 28.5 % and the ratio of those who use hygienic pad was 91.4 % ;The ratioof those who change the items of menstruation in one –three hours was 29.6 % theratio of those who wrap the items of menstruation and then threw them was 71.0 % ;the ratio of those who wash their hands before and after changing items was 68.3%:the ratio of those who use scent-remove during menstruation period was 78.0 %,and the ratio of those who clean genital region from the front towards the back was28.5 %.After the education of the students, there was statistically significant increasein positively between menstruation hygiene behaviors of the students.<br />Bu ara􀃺tırma, ö􀃷rencilere menstruasyon hijyen davranı􀃺larına yönelik verilenplanlı sa􀃷lık e􀃷itiminin etkisini saptamak amacıyla tek gruplu ön test-son test yarıdeneme modeli olarak yapılmı􀃺tır. Ara􀃺tırmanın evrenini, 􀃹ükrü Pa􀃺a Lisesi 1, 2 ve 3.sınıflarda ö􀃷renimine devam etmekte olan ve menstruasyonu deneyimleyen 186 kızö􀃷renci olu􀃺turmu􀃺tur. Evrenden örneklem seçimine gidilmemi􀃺, evrenin tamamıörnekleme dahil edilmi􀃺tir. Ara􀃺tırma verileri, ara􀃺tırmacılar tarafından hazırlanansoru formu ile toplanmı􀃺tır. Ara􀃺tırma, gönüllü olan ö􀃷renciler ile gerekli izinleralındıktan sonra yapılmı􀃺tır. Verilerin de􀃷erlendirilmesinde McNemar ve Chi-squaretestleri kullanılmı􀃺tır. Ara􀃺tırma bulgularına göre, ö􀃷rencilerin menstruasyondöneminde banyo yapma oranı % 68.8, ekstradan banyo yapma oranı %58.6,banyoyu ayakta du􀃺 􀃺eklinde yapma oranı % 47.3, pamuklu iç çama􀃺ırkullanma oranı % 28.5, hijyenik pet kullanma oranı % 91.4, menstruasyonmateryalini 1-3 saat içinde de􀃷i􀃺tirenlerin oranı % 29.6, menstruasyon materyaliniözel paketine sarıp atanların oranı % 71.0, elini menstruasyon materyalini hemde􀃷i􀃺tirmeden önce hem de sonra yıkayanların oranı % 68.3 menstruasyondöneminde koku giderici kullananların oranı % 78 ve genital bölgeyi önden arkayatemizleme oranı % 28.5 olarak saptanmı􀃺tır. Ö􀃷rencilerin e􀃷itim sonrasındamenstruasyon hijyen davranı􀃺ları oranlarında olumlu yönde istatistiksel olarak anlamlıartı􀃺 saptanmı􀃺tır
- Subjects :
- sağlık
Örenci, menstrual hijyen davranıları, planlı eitim
sağlık bilimleri
- Language :
- Turkish
- ISSN :
- 24589489 and 13035134
- Database :
- OpenAIRE
- Journal :
- Journal of Human Sciences
- Accession number :
- edsair.issn24589489..87aed83efce1fec0a4f8cdda459445fc