Prevalence and Risk Factors of Adhesive Capsulitis in Asian Breast Cancer Patients Undergoing an Outpatient Community Cancer Rehabilitation Program
Hui Zhen Aw, et al. “Prevalence and Risk Factors of Adhesive Capsulitis in Asian Breast Cancer Patients Undergoing an Outpatient Community Cancer Rehabilitation Program.” Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, vol. 102, no. 5, Sept. 2020. EBSCOhost,
Hui Zhen Aw, Chin Jung Wong, & Matthew Rong Jie Tay. (2020). Prevalence and Risk Factors of Adhesive Capsulitis in Asian Breast Cancer Patients Undergoing an Outpatient Community Cancer Rehabilitation Program. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 102(5).
Hui Zhen Aw, Chin Jung Wong, and Matthew Rong Jie Tay. 2020. “Prevalence and Risk Factors of Adhesive Capsulitis in Asian Breast Cancer Patients Undergoing an Outpatient Community Cancer Rehabilitation Program.” Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 102 (5).