Radiofrequency-induced thermal therapy: results of a European multicentre study of resistive ablation of incompetent truncal varicose veins
U Zierau, et al. Radiofrequency-Induced Thermal Therapy: Results of a European Multicentre Study of Resistive Ablation of Incompetent Truncal Varicose Veins. Jan. 2013. EBSCOhost,
U Zierau, M. Camci, Gjm Akkersdijk, D. Nio, Mirko Šarlija, B. Braithwaite, Marko Ajduk, L. Hnatek, P. Santoro, & E. Roche. (2013). Radiofrequency-induced thermal therapy: results of a European multicentre study of resistive ablation of incompetent truncal varicose veins.
U Zierau, M. Camci, Gjm Akkersdijk, D. Nio, Mirko Šarlija, B. Braithwaite, Marko Ajduk, L. Hnatek, P. Santoro, and E. Roche. 2013. “Radiofrequency-Induced Thermal Therapy: Results of a European Multicentre Study of Resistive Ablation of Incompetent Truncal Varicose Veins,” January. doi:10.1258/phleb.2012.012013.