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Polimorfizam peroksidaza roda Prunus, podrod Cerasus

Authors :
Čolić, Slavica
Fotirić-Akšić, Milica
Rakonjac, Vera
Nikolić, Dragan
Ognjanov, Vladislav
Source :
Savremena poljoprivreda
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Zenodo, 2013.


The polymorphism of peroxidase was studied in 31 cherry accessions, representing six following species Prunus cerasus, Prunus avium, Prunus fruticosa, Prunus mahaleb, Prunus serrulata, Prunus gondouinii and two widely-used standard cherry rootstocks 'Gisela 5' and 'Colt'. Six 'Oblačinska' sour cherries, four wild sweet cherries, five ground and one mahaleb genotypes were selected from the natural populations of Serbia. Inner barks from one-year-old shoots and young actively growing leaves were used for protein extraction. The polymorphism of peroxidase was obtained both for leaf and inner bark tissues. The analysis of the leaf material showed the unique zymograms for all six species and two interspecies hybrids. Higher numbers of polymorphic loci and banding patterns were detected when protein was extracted from the leaves, than from inner bark. Obtained results indicate that the polymorphism determination of genus Prunus, subgenus Cerasus can be done on the basis of peroxidase, but it would not be useful for discrimination of different genotypes and clones. . Polimorfizam peroksidaza proučavan je kod 31 genotipa roda Prunus u okviru šest vrsta podroda Cerasus: Prunus cerasus, Prunus avium, Prunus fruticosa, Prunus mahaleb, Prunus serrulata i Prunus gondouinii, kao i kod dva interspecies hibrida koji se koriste kao standardne podloge za trešnju: Gisela 5 i Colt. Šest genotipova Oblačinske višnje, četiri divlje trešnje, pet genotipova stepske višnje i jedan genotip magrive su selekcionisani iz prirodnih populacija u Srbiji. Za ekstrakciju proteina korišćena je unutrašnja kora jednogodišnjih grančica i mlado lišće. Polimorfizam peroksidaza je uočen u oba tkiva. Analizom lista dobijeni su jedinstveni peroksidazni zimogrami za svaku od ispitivanih vrsta i oba interspecijes hibrida. Veći broj polimorfnih lokusa i tipova zimograma utvrđen je kada je za proteinski ekstrakt korišćeno lišće, u poređenju sa unutrašnjom korom jednogodišnjih grančica. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da je na osnovu polimorfizma peroksidaza moguće determinisati vrste roda Prunus, podrod Cerasus, ali ne i utvrditi razlike među genotipovima i klonovima. .


Database :
Journal :
Savremena poljoprivreda
Accession number :
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