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Religious Security

Authors :
Mariia Nesterova
Olena Predko
Yevhen Kharkovschenko
Bohdana Nosenok
Anatolii Konverskyi
Source :
Obnovljeni Život : časopis za filozofiju i religijske znanosti, Volume 76, Issue 4
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Institute of Philosophy and Theology of the Society of Jesus, 2021.


The coronavirus pandemic has led to reform in the religious security of the world as a whole. Existing research on the problem is based on approaches that are purely informational and non–systemic, which limits the possibilities of understanding the problem to the context of the “religion–person–state” system. Restrictions on visits to places of worship have to some extent diminished the importance of religious practices. Pandemic threats have called into question the authority of religion and religious figures. The proposed methodological tools make it possible to fully substantiate the criteria of both destructive (which under certain circumstances can be a threat to the national interests of the state, the stable development of society, the exercise of the rights and freedoms of citizens) and constructive cases (the emergence of new communication contexts in which ritual and cult practice can take place) for the development of religious security and its historical genesis in the context of the meaning–forming axis “sacred–profane”, “health–disease”. The coronavirus pandemic, firstly, encouraged religious organizations to adopt new adaptive forms for cult practices; secondly, it changed the approach to religious ministry in society, to the role of the priest in this process; thirdly, it raised the question of the implementation of sacraments and rituals in uncommon circumstances; fourthly, it has exacerbated the issue of ineffective relations between religious organizations both at the interfaith level and at the level of public administration; fifthly, it affected the modernization process of religious communication practices which are not a health threat to the people. These new trends made possible not only the expansion of the functionality of religious security, but also prompted the creation of a flexible, adaptive, open model, which would take into account the regulatory, institutional, resource, and information capabilities of the country, as well as the mentality of the people.<br />Pandemija koronavirusa dovela je do reforme religijske sigurnosti u svijetu u cjelini. Postojeća istraživanja toga problema temeljena su na čisto informacijskim i ne–sistemskim pristupima, što ograničava mogućnosti razumijevanja problema u kontekstu sustava “religija–čovjek–država”. Restrikcije posjeta u vjerske institucije u određenoj su mjeri smanjile važnost religijskih praksa. Pandemijska prijetnja dovela je u pitanje autoritet religije i predstavnika religija. Predloženi metodološki alati omogućavaju potkrjepljivanje u potpunosti kriterija destruktivnih (pod nekim uvjetima mogu biti prijetnja nacionalnim interesima države, stabilnomu razvitku društva, ostvarivanju prava i sloboda državljana) i konstruktivnih (pojava novih komunikacijskih konteksta ritualne i kultne prakse) slučajeva za razvitak religijske sigurnosti i njezine povijesne geneze u kontekstu osi oblikovanja značenja “sveto — profano”, “zdravlje — bolest”. Pandemija koronavirusa je, kao prvo, potaknula je religijske organizacije da prihvate nove, prilagodljive oblike kultnih praksa. Drugo, promijenila je pristupe socijalnim službama, ulozi svećenika u tom procesu. Treće, postavila je pitanje podjeljivanja sakramenata i održavanja rituala u neobičnim okolnostima. Četvrto, negativno je utjecala na učinkovitost odnosa, kako između religijskih organizacija na međuvjerskoj razini, tako i na razini odnosa s državnim tijelima. Peto, utjecala je na proces modernizacije praksa religijske komunikacije koje neće ugrožavati ljude. Navedene inovacije omogućile su povećavanje funkcionalnih sposobnosti religijske sigurnosti, ali su također potaknule stvaranje fleksibilnoga, prilagodljivoga, otvorenoga modela, koji će uzimati u obzir regulatorna, institucionalna, materijalna, informacijska i mentalna obilježja države.


18490182 and 03513947
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Obnovljeni život
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