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A Learning-Based Stable Servo Control Strategy Using Broad Learning System Applied for Microrobotic Control

Authors :
Jia Liu
Tiantian Xu
Xinyu Wu
Chenguang Yang
Sheng Xu
Source :
IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics. 52:13727-13737
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2022.


As the controller parameter adjustment process is simplified significantly by using learning algorithms, the studies about learning-based control attract a lot of interest in recent years. This article focuses on the intelligent servo control problem using learning from desired demonstrations. Compared with the previous studies about the learning-based servo control, a control policy using the broad learning system (BLS) is developed and first applied to a microrobotic system, since the advantages of the BLS, such as simple structure and no-requirement for retraining when new demos' data is provided. Then, the Lyapunov theory is skillfully combined with the complex learning algorithm to derive the controller parameters' constraints. Thus, the final control policy not only can obtain the movement skills of the desired demonstrations but also have the strong ability of generalization and error convergence. Finally, simulation and experimental examples verify the effectiveness of the proposed strategy using MATLAB and a microswimmer trajectory tracking system.


21682275 and 21682267
Volume :
Database :
Journal :
IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics
Accession number :