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The impact of viral mutations on recognition by SARS-CoV-2 specific T cells

Authors :
Thushan I. de Silva
Guihai Liu
Benjamin B. Lindsey
Danning Dong
Shona C. Moore
Nienyun Sharon Hsu
Dhruv Shah
Dannielle Wellington
Alexander J. Mentzer
Adrienn Angyal
Rebecca Brown
Matthew D. Parker
Zixi Ying
Xuan Yao
Lance Turtle
Susanna Dunachie
Mala K. Maini
Graham Ogg
Julian C. Knight
Yanchun Peng
Sarah L. Rowland-Jones
Tao Dong
David M. Aanensen
Khalil Abudahab
Helen Adams
Alexander Adams
Safiah Afifi
Dinesh Aggarwal
Shazaad S.Y. Ahmad
Louise Aigrain
Adela Alcolea-Medina
Nabil-Fareed Alikhan
Elias Allara
Roberto Amato
Tara Annett
Stephen Aplin
Cristina V. Ariani
Hibo Asad
Amy Ash
Paula Ashfield
Fiona Ashford
Laura Atkinson
Stephen W. Attwood
Cressida Auckland
Alp Aydin
David J. Baker
Paul Baker
Carlos E. Balcazar
Jonathan Ball
Jeffrey C. Barrett
Magdalena Barrow
Edward Barton
Matthew Bashton
Andrew R. Bassett
Rahul Batra
Chris Baxter
Nadua Bayzid
Charlotte Beaver
Angela H. Beckett
Shaun M. Beckwith
Luke Bedford
Robert Beer
Andrew Beggs
Katherine L. Bellis
Louise Berry
Beatrice Bertolusso
Angus Best
Emma Betteridge
David Bibby
Kelly Bicknell
Debbie Binns
Alec Birchley
Paul W. Bird
Chloe Bishop
Rachel Blacow
Victoria Blakey
Beth Blane
Frances Bolt
James Bonfield
Stephen Bonner
David Bonsall
Tim Boswell
Andrew Bosworth
Yann Bourgeois
Olivia Boyd
Declan T. Bradley
Cassie Breen
Catherine Bresner
Judith Breuer
Stephen Bridgett
Iraad F. Bronner
Ellena Brooks
Alice Broos
Julianne R. Brown
Giselda Bucca
Sarah L. Buchan
David Buck
Matthew Bull
Phillipa J. Burns
Shirelle Burton-Fanning
Timothy Byaruhanga
Matthew Byott
Sharon Campbell
Alessandro M. Carabelli
James S. Cargill
Matthew Carlile
Silvia F. Carvalho
Anna Casey
Anibolina Castigador
Jana Catalan
Vicki Chalker
Nicola J. Chaloner
Meera Chand
Joseph G. Chappell
Themoula Charalampous
Wendy Chatterton
Yasmin Chaudhry
Carol M. Churcher
Gemma Clark
Phillip Clarke
Benjamin J. Cogger
Kevin Cole
Jennifer Collins
Rachel Colquhoun
Thomas R. Connor
Kate F. Cook
Jason Coombes
Sally Corden
Claire Cormie
Nicholas Cortes
Marius Cotic
Seb Cotton
Simon Cottrell
Lindsay Coupland
MacGregor Cox
Alison Cox
Noel Craine
Liam Crawford
Aidan Cross
Matthew R. Crown
Dorian Crudgington
Nicola Cumley
Tanya Curran
Martin D. Curran
Ana da Silva Filipe
Gavin Dabrera
Alistair C. Darby
Rose K. Davidson
Alisha Davies
Robert M. Davies
Thomas Davis
Daniela de Angelis
Elen De Lacy
Leonardo de Oliveira Martins
Johnny Debebe
Rebecca Denton-Smith
Samir Dervisevic
Rebecca Dewar
Jayasree Dey
Joana Dias
Donald Dobie
Matthew J. Dorman
Fatima Downing
Megan Driscoll
Louis du Plessis
Nichola Duckworth
Jillian Durham
Kirstine Eastick
Lisa J. Easton
Richard Eccles
Jonathan Edgeworth
Sue Edwards
Kate El Bouzidi
Sahar Eldirdiri
Nicholas Ellaby
Scott Elliott
Gary Eltringham
Leah Ensell
Michelle J. Erkiert
Marina Escalera Zamudio
Sarah Essex
Johnathan M. Evans
Cariad Evans
William Everson
Derek J. Fairley
Karlie Fallon
Arezou Fanaie
Ben W. Farr
Christopher Fearn
Theresa Feltwell
Lynne Ferguson
Laia Fina
Flavia Flaviani
Vicki M. Fleming
Sally Forrest
Ebenezer Foster-Nyarko
Benjamin H. Foulkes
Luke Foulser
Mireille Fragakis
Dan Frampton
Sarah Francois
Christophe Fraser
Timothy M. Freeman
Helen Fryer
Marc Fuchs
William Fuller
Kavitha Gajee
Katerina Galai
Abbie Gallagher
Eileen Gallagher
Michael D. Gallagher
Marta Gallis
Amy Gaskin
Bree Gatica-Wilcox
Lily Geidelberg
Matthew Gemmell
Iliana Georgana
Ryan P. George
Laura Gifford
Lauren Gilbert
Sophia T. Girgis
Sharon Glaysher
Emily J. Goldstein
Tanya Golubchik
Andrea N. Gomes
Sónia Gonçalves
Ian G. Goodfellow
Scott Goodwin
Salman Goudarzi
Marina Gourtovaia
Clive Graham
Lee Graham
Paul R. Grant
Luke R. Green
Angie Green
Jane Greenaway
Richard Gregory
Martyn Guest
Rory N. Gunson
Ravi K. Gupta
Bernardo Gutierrez
Sam T. Haldenby
William L. Hamilton
Samantha E. Hansford
Tanzina Haque
Kathryn A. Harris
Ian Harrison
Ewan M. Harrison
Jennifer Hart
John A. Hartley
William T. Harvey
Matthew Harvey
Mohammed O. Hassan-Ibrahim
Judith Heaney
Thomas Helmer
John H. Henderson
Andrew R. Hesketh
Jessica Hey
David Heyburn
Ellen E. Higginson
Verity Hill
Jack D. Hill
Rachel A. Hilson
Ember Hilvers
Matthew T.G. Holden
Amy Hollis
Christopher W. Holmes
Nadine Holmes
Alison H. Holmes
Richard Hopes
Hailey R. Hornsby
Myra Hosmillo
Catherine Houlihan
Hannah C. Howson-Wells
Jonathan Hubb
Hannah Huckson
Warwick Hughes
Joseph Hughes
Margaret Hughes
Stephanie Hutchings
Giles Idle
Chris J. Illingworth
Robert Impey
Dianne Irish-Tavares
Miren Iturriza-Gomara
Rhys Izuagbe
Chris Jackson
Ben Jackson
Leigh M. Jackson
Kathryn A. Jackson
David K. Jackson
Aminu S. Jahun
Victoria James
Keith James
Christopher Jeanes
Aaron R. Jeffries
Sarah Jeremiah
Andrew Jermy
Michaela John
Rob Johnson
Kate Johnson
Ian Johnston
Owen Jones
Sophie Jones
Hannah Jones
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Neil Jones
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Sally Kay
Jon-Paul Keatley
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Maimuna Kimuli
Stuart Kirk
Christine Kitchen
Katie Kitchman
Bridget A. Knight
Cherian Koshy
Moritz U.G. Kraemer
Sara Kumziene-Summerhayes
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Angie Lackenby
Kenneth G. Laing
Temi Lampejo
Cordelia F. Langford
Deborah Lavin
Andrew I. Lawton
Jack Lee
David Lee
Stefanie V. Lensing
Steven Leonard
Lisa J. Levett
Thanh Le-Viet
Jonathan Lewis
Kevin Lewis
Jennifier Liddle
Steven Liggett
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Rich Livett
Stephanie Lo
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Helen L. Lowe
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Catherine Ludden
Jessica Lynch
Ronan A. Lyons
Katrina Lythgoe
Nicholas W. Machin
George MacIntyre-Cockett
Andrew Mack
Ben Macklin
Alasdair Maclean
Emily Macnaughton
Pinglawathee Madona
Mailis Maes
Laurentiu Maftei
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Tabitha W. Mahungu
Daniel Mair
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Daniel Maloney
Nikos Manesis
Robin Manley
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Patrick Maxwell
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Emma Moles-Garcia
Robin J. Moll
Zoltan Molnar
Irene M. Monahan
Matteo Mondani
Siddharth Mookerjee
Christopher Moore
Jonathan Moore
Nathan Moore
Catherine Moore
Helen Morcrette
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Mari Morgan
Matilde Mori
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Darren R. Murray
Manasa Mutingwende
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Eleni Nastouli
Gaia Nebbia
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Charlotte Nelson
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null xeine O'Toole
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Sunando Roy
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Kordo Saeed
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Roy Sanderson
Theo Sanderson
Fei Sang
Thea Sass
Emily Scher
Garren Scott
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Jasveen Sehmi
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Divya Shah
Jessica Shaw
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Perminder Smith
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Cheryl Williams
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Peter Young
UK Research and Innovation
Division of Computational and Systems Medicine, Imperial College London, London, SW7 2AZ, UK
Imperial College London - National Heart and Lung Institute
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
Apollo - University of Cambridge Repository
Source :
iScience, Vol 24, Iss 11, Pp 103353-(2021), ISCIENCE, Investigators, ISARICC & Dark, P 2021, ' The impact of viral mutations on recognition by SARS-CoV-2 specific T cells. ', iScience, vol. 24, no. 11, 103353 ., iScience, iScience, Elsevier, 2021, 24 (11), pp.103353. ⟨10.1016/j.isci.2021.103353⟩, de Silva, T I, Liu, G, Lindsey, B B, Dong, D, Moore, S C, Hsu, N S, Shah, D, Wellington, D, Mentzer, A J, Angyal, A, Brown, R, Parker, M D, Ying, Z, Yao, X, Turtle, L, Dunachie, S, Maini, M K, Ogg, G, Knight, J C & Peng, Y & Rowland-Jones, S L & Dong, T 2021, ' The impact of viral mutations on recognition by SARS-CoV-2 specific T cells ', iScience, vol. 24, no. 11, 103353 ., COVID-19 Genomics UK (COG-UK) Consortium 2021, ' The impact of viral mutations on recognition by SARS-CoV-2 specific T cells ', iScience, vol. 24, no. 11, 103353 .
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Cell Press, 2021.


We identify amino acid variants within dominant SARS-CoV-2 T-cell epitopes by interrogating global sequence data. Several variants within nucleocapsid and ORF3a epitopes have arisen independently in multiple lineages and result in loss of recognition by epitope-specific T-cells assessed by IFN-γ and cytotoxic killing assays. Complete loss of T-cell responsiveness was seen due to Q213K in the A*01:01-restricted CD8+ ORF3a epitope FTSDYYQLY207-215, due to P13L, P13S and P13T in the B*27:05-restricted CD8+ nucleocapsid epitope QRNAPRITF9-17, and due to T362I and P365S in the A*03:01/A*11:01-restricted CD8+ nucleocapsid epitope KTFPPTEPK361-369. CD8+ T-cell lines unable to recognise variant epitopes have diverse T-cell receptor repertoires. These data demonstrate the potential for T-cell evasion and highlight the need for ongoing surveillance for variants capable of escaping T-cell as well as humoral immunity.<br />Graphical Abstract


Language :
Database :
Journal :
iScience, Vol 24, Iss 11, Pp 103353-(2021), ISCIENCE, Investigators, ISARICC & Dark, P 2021, ' The impact of viral mutations on recognition by SARS-CoV-2 specific T cells. ', iScience, vol. 24, no. 11, 103353 ., iScience, iScience, Elsevier, 2021, 24 (11), pp.103353. ⟨10.1016/j.isci.2021.103353⟩, de Silva, T I, Liu, G, Lindsey, B B, Dong, D, Moore, S C, Hsu, N S, Shah, D, Wellington, D, Mentzer, A J, Angyal, A, Brown, R, Parker, M D, Ying, Z, Yao, X, Turtle, L, Dunachie, S, Maini, M K, Ogg, G, Knight, J C & Peng, Y & Rowland-Jones, S L & Dong, T 2021, ' The impact of viral mutations on recognition by SARS-CoV-2 specific T cells ', iScience, vol. 24, no. 11, 103353 ., COVID-19 Genomics UK (COG-UK) Consortium 2021, ' The impact of viral mutations on recognition by SARS-CoV-2 specific T cells ', iScience, vol. 24, no. 11, 103353 .
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