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Eremias papenfussi Mozaffari, Ahmadzadeh

Authors :
Mozaffari, Omid
Ahmadzadeh, Faraham
Parham, James F.
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Zenodo, 2011.


Eremias papenfussi Mozaffari, Ahmadzadeh, and Parham sp. nov. Figures 2 and 3. Etymology. According to Arnold et al. (1978), ��� Eremias is a Greek noun meaning solitary devotee, and is related to Eremia, signifying an isolated place or desert.��� (Arnold et al. 1978; Mozaffari and Parham, 2007) The epithet papenfussi is for Theodore Johnstone Papenfuss of the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology at the University of California, Berkeley, in honor of his extensive contributions to the field of herpetology through the collecting of new specimens and the training of herpetologists around the world. Material examined. Holotype: ZFMK 91701 (3), 59 mm snout-vent length (SVL), collected 14 April 2009; Paratypes: PHIM 171 (��), 62 mm SVL and ZFMK 91702 (3), 57 mm SVL, collected 14 April 2009; PHIM 177 (��), 62 mm SVL and PHIM 178 (��), 60 mm SVL, collected 1 May 2004. All specimens were collected from Tehran Province in the Alborz Mountain Range by OM. The Holotype, ZFMK 91701, as well as PHIM 171 and ZFMK 91702 were collected from the type locality in the Sooleghan Mountains (N 35 �� 47 ' 44.9 " E 51 �� 14 ' 20.2 " Elevation: 1794m). PHIM 177 and PHIM 178 were collected from Vardavard region (N 35 �� 47 ' 56.48 ", E 51 �� 7 ' 34.40 ") (Fig. 1). Differential diagnosis. By having movable eyelids, a lower nasal shield that rests on two supralabials, and ventral plates arranged in oblique longitudinal rows, we assign this new form to the genus Eremias. Iranian Eremias can be assigned to four morphologically-defined subgenera (Szczerbak 1974; Anderson 1999): Scapteria, Ommateremias, Rhabderemias, and Eremias. Whether these subgenera represent monophyletic groups or not remains to be tested with molecular phylogenetics, but as morphologically-defined taxa they are useful bins for comparing and diagnosing our new species. Eremias papenfussi can be excluded from the subgenus Scapteria by lacking the lateral fringes on the fourth toe (Fig. 2 F) and by a subocular scale that is in contact with the edge of mouth (Fig. 2 C). The latter character also excludes it from the subgenus Ommateremias. It can be excluded from the subgenus Rhabderemias by its large size and by having longitudinal dorsal stripes that are broken into a spotted pattern (Anderson, 1999). Within the Iranian members of the subgenus Eremias, E. papenfussi can be differentiated from Eremias strauchi Kessler, 1878 by having a smaller size (57���62 mm SVL versus 68���76), the absence of distinctly keeled upper caudal scales (Fig. 2 D), and color pattern (having dark and light marks on upper labials and lacking the color ocelli on flanks). It can be distinguished from Eremias suphani (Basoglu and Hellmich, 1968) by lacking the extension of gular scales to the second inframaxiallary scales (the second and third pair of submaxillary shields are in contact) (Fig. 2 A). It can be distinguished from Eremias lalezharica Moravec, 1994 by having fewer gular scales (24���28 versus 33���40), fewer collar scales (10���12 versus 13���15), and more femoral pores (19���26 versus 16���18). It can be distinguished from Eremias novo Rastegar-Pouyani and Rastegar-Pouyani, 2006 by having fewer mid-dorsum scales (56���63 versus 63���67), more transverse rows of ventral plates (30���33 versus 27���30), and more gular scales (24���28 versus 23���24). It can be distinguished from Eremias montanus Rastegar-Pouyani and Rastegar-Pouyani, 2001 by having fewer mid-dorsum scales (56���63 versus 63���67), more transverse rows of ventral plates (30���33 versus 27���28), and more gulars (24���28 versus 23���25). It can be distinguished from Eremias velox (Pallas, 1771) by having more mid-dorsum scales (56���63 versus 46���56) and lacking lateral dark-margined blue ocelli. It can be distinguished from Eremias persica Blanford, 1875 by having fewer gular scales (24���28 versus 28��� 39) and its juvenile coloration (ventral surface of tail reddish versus bluish). Description of Holotype (ZFMK 91701). Size: A medium-sized Eremias with a SVL of 59 mm and a short tail (85 mm). In life, the dorsum is dark cream to light brown with a series of five longitudinal dark brown or black stripes starting anteriorly at the parietals. The medial stripe disappears a quarter of the way down the body, but the others extend to the base of the tail. The two lateral stripes extend to the dorsum surface of the tail and meet at the first one-fifth of the tail. The rest of the tail is a solid cream to light brown. White dots in four longitudinal rows are scattered among dark spots. A chocolate brown to brownish-orange stripe containing irregular dark spots and dark��� margined light ocelli start at the tympanum, cross the lateral sides and continue along entire tail length. The dorsal side of the limbs has light ocelli and spots. The venter and ventral side of tail are white (Fig. 3). Scalation (Fig. 2): Subocular bordering mouth; eight supralabials, five anterior to subocular; lower nasal rests on first and second supralabials as well as the frontonasal; lateral scales of the fourth toe do not form distinct fringes; row of 22 or 23 femoral pores that reaches knee, two series of femoral pores separated by two scales; five submaxillary shields, first three pairs in contact; 26 gular scales between submaxillary shields and collar; collar made up of 10 scales; 58 scales across middle of dorsum; 14 longitudinal and 31 transverse rows of ventral plates; 26 scales in 10 th caudal annulus; upper caudal scales smooth and without distinct keel. Variation among Paratypes (Table 2). Snout-vent length 57 to 62 mm; femoral pores 19 to 26; two series of femoral pores separated by one or two scales; five to six submaxillary shields; 24 to 28 gular scales between submaxillary shields and collar; collar made up of 10 to 12 scales; 56 to 63 scales across middle of dorsum; 14 to 15 longitudinal and 30 to 33 transverse rows of ventral plates; 23 to 28 scales in 10 th caudal annulus; in some specimens the lateral stripe is inconspicuous. In juveniles, the coloration is different from adults. In juveniles, the dorsal coloration is uniform dark brown with four longitudinal light stripes the ventral side of the tail is reddish. FIGURE 2. Morphology of Eremias papenfussi sp. nov. (PHIM 171). A: Ventral view of head; B: Dorsal view of head; C: Lateral view of head; D: Caudal scales in 10 th annulus; E: Ventral view of hind limb; F: Ventral view of hind foot. Remarks. All specimens were collected from the southern slopes of the central Alborz Mountains. The habitat in this part of the Alborz ccnsists of mild rocky slopes. The dominant vegetation is Amygdalus, Astragalus, and annual grass (Fig. 3). Whereas many parts of central Alborz are similar, we expect that Eremias papenfussi is distributed throughout the central Alborz. The other reptile species that are syntopic with Eremias papenfussi are Laudakia caucasia, Ophisops elegans, Cyrtopodion spinicauda, Trachylepis aurata, Typhlops vermicularis, Eirenis collaris, Natrix tessellata, Platyceps najadum, Telescopus fallax and Macrovipera lebetina. Eremias papenfussi is the fifth Eremias species known from the rocky mountain slopes of Iran along with E. strauchi, E. lalezharica, E. montanus and E. novo.<br />Published as part of Mozaffari, Omid, Ahmadzadeh, Faraham & Parham, James F., 2011, Eremias papenfussi sp. nov., a new lacertid lizard (Sauria: Lacertidae) from Tehran Province, Iran, pp. 57-62 in Zootaxa 3114 on pages 57-61, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.279346<br />{"references":["Mozaffari, O. & Parham, J. F. (2007) A new species of racerunner lizard (Lacertidae: Eremias) from Iran. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences, 58, 569 - 574.","Szczerbak, N. N. (1974) Yaschurki Palearcktiki [The Palearctic Desert Lizards]. Axadeimiya Nauk Ukrainskoi SSR Institut Zoologii, Naukova Dumka, Kiev, 296 pp.","Anderson, S. C. (1999) The Lizards of Iran. Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles, Ithaca, New York, USA, 442 pp. Arnold, E. N., Arribas, O. & Carranza, S. (1978) Systematics of the Palearctic and Oriental lizard Tribe Lacertini (Squamata: Lacertidae: Lacertinae), with descriptions of eight new genera. Zootaxa, 1430, 1 - 86.","Rastegar-Pouyani, N. & Rastegar-Pouyani, E. (2006) A new form of Eremias (Sauria: Lacertidae) from the Alvand Mountains, Hamedan Province, western Iran. Iranian Journal of Animal Biosystematics, 1, 14 - 20.","Rastegar-Pouyani, N. & Rastegar-Pouyani, E. (2001) A new species of Eremias (Sauria: Lacertidae) from the highlands of Kermanshah Province, Western Iran. Asiatic Herpetological Research, 9, 107 - 112.","Pallas, P. S. (1771) Reise durch verschiedene Provinzen des Russischen Reiches, Vol. 1. Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, St. Petersburg, 504 pp."]}


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