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JCMT BISTRO Survey: Magnetic Fields within the Hub-filament Structure in IC 5146

Authors :
Jia-Wei Wang
Shih-Ping Lai
Chakali Eswaraiah
Kate Pattle
James Di Francesco
Doug Johnstone
Patrick M. Koch
Tie Liu
Motohide Tamura
Ray S. Furuya
Takashi Onaka
Derek Ward-Thompson
Archana Soam
Kee-Tae Kim
Chang Won Lee
Chin-Fei Lee
Steve Mairs
Doris Arzoumanian
Gwanjeong Kim
Thiem Hoang
Jihye Hwang
Sheng-Yuan Liu
David Berry
Pierre Bastien
Tetsuo Hasegawa
Woojin Kwon
Keping Qiu
Philippe André
Yusuke Aso
Do-Young Byun
Huei-Ru Chen
Michael C. Chen
Wen Ping Chen
Tao-Chung Ching
Jungyeon Cho
Minho Choi
Antonio Chrysostomou
Eun Jung Chung
Simon Coudé
Yasuo Doi
C. Darren Dowell
Emily Drabek-Maunder
Hao-Yuan Duan
Stewart P. S. Eyres
Sam Falle
Lapo Fanciullo
Jason Fiege
Erica Franzmann
Per Friberg
Rachel K. Friesen
Gary Fuller
Tim Gledhill
Sarah F. Graves
Jane S. Greaves
Matt J. Griffin
Qilao Gu
Ilseung Han
Jennifer Hatchell
Saeko S. Hayashi
Wayne Holland
Martin Houde
Tsuyoshi Inoue
Shu-ichiro Inutsuka
Kazunari Iwasaki
Il-Gyo Jeong
Yoshihiro Kanamori
Ji-hyun Kang
Miju Kang
Sung-ju Kang
Akimasa Kataoka
Koji S. Kawabata
Francisca Kemper
Jongsoo Kim
Kyoung Hee Kim
Mi-Ryang Kim
Shinyoung Kim
Jason M. Kirk
Masato I. N. Kobayashi
Vera Konyves
Jungmi Kwon
Kevin M. Lacaille
Hyeseung Lee
Jeong-Eun Lee
Sang-Sung Lee
Yong-Hee Lee
Dalei Li
Di Li
Hua-bai Li
Hong-Li Liu
Junhao Liu
A-Ran Lyo
Masafumi Matsumura
Brenda C. Matthews
Gerald H. Moriarty-Schieven
Tetsuya Nagata
Fumitaka Nakamura
Hiroyuki Nakanishi
Nagayoshi Ohashi
Geumsook Park
Harriet Parsons
Enzo Pascale
Nicolas Peretto
Andy Pon
Tae-Soo Pyo
Lei Qian
Ramprasad Rao
Mark G. Rawlings
Brendan Retter
John Richer
Andrew Rigby
Jean-François Robitaille
Sarah Sadavoy
Hiro Saito
Giorgio Savini
Anna M. M. Scaife
Masumichi Seta
Hiroko Shinnaga
Ya-Wen Tang
Kohji Tomisaka
Yusuke Tsukamoto
Sven van Loo
Hongchi Wang
Anthony P. Whitworth
Hsi-Wei Yen
Hyunju Yoo
Jinghua Yuan
Hyeong-Sik Yun
Tetsuya Zenko
Chuan-Peng Zhang
Guoyin Zhang
Ya-Peng Zhang
Jianjun Zhou
Lei Zhu
Source :
Wang, J W, Lai, S P, Eswaraiah, C, Pattle, K, Francesco, J D, Johnstone, D, Koch, P M, Liu, T, Tamura, M, Furuya, R S, Onaka, T, Ward-Thompson, D, Soam, A, Kim, K T, Lee, C W, Lee, C F, Mairs, S, Arzoumanian, D, Kim, G, Hoang, T, Hwang, J, Liu, S Y, Berry, D, Bastien, P, Hasegawa, T, Kwon, W, Qiu, K, André, P, Aso, Y, Byun, D Y, Chen, H R, Chen, M C, Chen, W P, Ching, T C, Cho, J, Choi, M, Chrysostomou, A, Chung, E J, Coudé, S, Doi, Y, Dowell, C D, Drabek-Maunder, E, Duan, H Y, Eyres, S P S, Falle, S, Fanciullo, L, Fiege, J, Franzmann, E, Friberg, P, Friesen, R K, Fuller, G, Gledhill, T, Graves, S F, Greaves, J S, Griffin, M J, Gu, Q, Han, I, Hatchell, J, Hayashi, S S, Holland, W, Houde, M, Inoue, T, Inutsuka, S I, Iwasaki, K, Jeong, I G, Kanamori, Y, Kang, J H, Kang, M, Kang, S J, Kataoka, A, Kawabata, K S, Kemper, F, Kim, J, Kim, K H, Kim, M R, Kim, S, Kirk, J M, Kobayashi, M I N, Konyves, V, Kwon, J, Lacaille, K M, Lee, H, Lee, J E, Lee, S S, Lee, Y H, Li, D, Li, D, Li, H B, Liu, H L, Liu, J, Lyo, A R, Matsumura, M, Matthews, B C, Moriarty-Schieven, G H, Nagata, T, Nakamura, F, Nakanishi, H, Ohashi, N, Park, G, Parsons, H, Pascale, E, Peretto, N, Pon, A, Pyo, T S, Qian, L, Rao, R, Rawlings, M G, Retter, B, Richer, J, Rigby, A, Robitaille, J F, Sadavoy, S, Saito, H, Savini, G, Scaife, A M M, Seta, M, Shinnaga, H, Tang, Y W, Tomisaka, K, Tsukamoto, Y, Loo, S V, Wang, H, Whitworth, A P, Yen, H W, Yoo, H, Yuan, J, Yun, H S, Zenko, T, Zhang, C P, Zhang, G, Zhang, Y P, Zhou, J & Zhu, L 2019, ' JCMT BISTRO Survey : Magnetic Fields within the Hub-filament Structure in IC 5146 ', Astrophysical Journal, vol. 876, no. 1, 42 .
Publication Year :
Publisher :
American Astronomical Society, 2019.


We present the 850 $\mu$m polarization observations toward the IC5146 filamentary cloud taken using the Submillimetre Common-User Bolometer Array 2 (SCUBA-2) and its associated polarimeter (POL-2), mounted on the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT), as part of the B-fields In STar forming Regions Observations (BISTRO). This work is aimed at revealing the magnetic field morphology within a core-scale ($\lesssim 1.0$ pc) hub-filament structure (HFS) located at the end of a parsec-scale filament. To investigate whether or not the observed polarization traces the magnetic field in the HFS, we analyze the dependence between the observed polarization fraction and total intensity using a Bayesian approach with the polarization fraction described by the Rice likelihood function, which can correctly describe the probability density function (PDF) of the observed polarization fraction for low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) data. We find a power-law dependence between the polarization fraction and total intensity with an index of 0.56 in $A_V\sim$ 20--300 mag regions, suggesting that the dust grains in these dense regions can still be aligned with magnetic fields in the IC5146 regions. Our polarization maps reveal a curved magnetic field, possibly dragged by the contraction along the parsec-scale filament. We further obtain a magnetic field strength of 0.5$\pm$0.2 mG toward the central hub using the Davis-Chandrasekhar-Fermi method, corresponding to a mass-to-flux criticality of $\sim$ $1.3\pm0.4$ and an Alfv\'{e}nic Mach number of $<br />Comment: 24 pages, 15 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ


Language :
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Journal :
Wang, J W, Lai, S P, Eswaraiah, C, Pattle, K, Francesco, J D, Johnstone, D, Koch, P M, Liu, T, Tamura, M, Furuya, R S, Onaka, T, Ward-Thompson, D, Soam, A, Kim, K T, Lee, C W, Lee, C F, Mairs, S, Arzoumanian, D, Kim, G, Hoang, T, Hwang, J, Liu, S Y, Berry, D, Bastien, P, Hasegawa, T, Kwon, W, Qiu, K, André, P, Aso, Y, Byun, D Y, Chen, H R, Chen, M C, Chen, W P, Ching, T C, Cho, J, Choi, M, Chrysostomou, A, Chung, E J, Coudé, S, Doi, Y, Dowell, C D, Drabek-Maunder, E, Duan, H Y, Eyres, S P S, Falle, S, Fanciullo, L, Fiege, J, Franzmann, E, Friberg, P, Friesen, R K, Fuller, G, Gledhill, T, Graves, S F, Greaves, J S, Griffin, M J, Gu, Q, Han, I, Hatchell, J, Hayashi, S S, Holland, W, Houde, M, Inoue, T, Inutsuka, S I, Iwasaki, K, Jeong, I G, Kanamori, Y, Kang, J H, Kang, M, Kang, S J, Kataoka, A, Kawabata, K S, Kemper, F, Kim, J, Kim, K H, Kim, M R, Kim, S, Kirk, J M, Kobayashi, M I N, Konyves, V, Kwon, J, Lacaille, K M, Lee, H, Lee, J E, Lee, S S, Lee, Y H, Li, D, Li, D, Li, H B, Liu, H L, Liu, J, Lyo, A R, Matsumura, M, Matthews, B C, Moriarty-Schieven, G H, Nagata, T, Nakamura, F, Nakanishi, H, Ohashi, N, Park, G, Parsons, H, Pascale, E, Peretto, N, Pon, A, Pyo, T S, Qian, L, Rao, R, Rawlings, M G, Retter, B, Richer, J, Rigby, A, Robitaille, J F, Sadavoy, S, Saito, H, Savini, G, Scaife, A M M, Seta, M, Shinnaga, H, Tang, Y W, Tomisaka, K, Tsukamoto, Y, Loo, S V, Wang, H, Whitworth, A P, Yen, H W, Yoo, H, Yuan, J, Yun, H S, Zenko, T, Zhang, C P, Zhang, G, Zhang, Y P, Zhou, J & Zhu, L 2019, ' JCMT BISTRO Survey : Magnetic Fields within the Hub-filament Structure in IC 5146 ', Astrophysical Journal, vol. 876, no. 1, 42 .
Accession number :