Ecology of Arctic rabies: 60 years of disease surveillance in the warming climate of northern Canada
Patrick A. Leighton, et al. “Ecology of Arctic Rabies: 60 Years of Disease Surveillance in the Warming Climate of Northern Canada.” Zoonoses and Public HealthREFERENCES, vol. 68, no. 6, Feb. 2021. EBSCOhost,
Patrick A. Leighton, Erin E. Rees, Nicolas Lecomte, Audrey Simon, Catherine Bouchard, Christine Fehlner-Gardiner, Denise Bélanger, & Guy Beauchamp. (2021). Ecology of Arctic rabies: 60 years of disease surveillance in the warming climate of northern Canada. Zoonoses and Public HealthREFERENCES, 68(6).
Patrick A. Leighton, Erin E. Rees, Nicolas Lecomte, Audrey Simon, Catherine Bouchard, Christine Fehlner-Gardiner, Denise Bélanger, and Guy Beauchamp. 2021. “Ecology of Arctic Rabies: 60 Years of Disease Surveillance in the Warming Climate of Northern Canada.” Zoonoses and Public HealthREFERENCES 68 (6).