How local partnerships to improve urgent and emergency care have impacted delayed transfers of care from hospitals in England: an analysis based on a synthetic control estimation method
Gintare Malisauskaite, et al. How Local Partnerships to Improve Urgent and Emergency Care Have Impacted Delayed Transfers of Care from Hospitals in England: An Analysis Based on a Synthetic Control Estimation Method. Feb. 2022. EBSCOhost,
Gintare Malisauskaite, Karen Jones, Stephen Allan, Daniel Roland, Yvonne Birks, Kate Baxter, & Kate Gridley. (2022). How local partnerships to improve urgent and emergency care have impacted delayed transfers of care from hospitals in England: an analysis based on a synthetic control estimation method.
Gintare Malisauskaite, Karen Jones, Stephen Allan, Daniel Roland, Yvonne Birks, Kate Baxter, and Kate Gridley. 2022. “How Local Partnerships to Improve Urgent and Emergency Care Have Impacted Delayed Transfers of Care from Hospitals in England: An Analysis Based on a Synthetic Control Estimation Method,” February.