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ANMCO POSITION PAPER: Prognostic and therapeutic relevance of non-obstructive coronary atherosclerosis

Authors :
Francesco Orso
Serafina Valente
Adriano Murrone
Gabriele Grippo
Stefano Domenicucci
Stefania Angela Di Fusco
Giancarlo Casolo
Maurizio Giuseppe Abrignani
Marco Corda
Michele Massimo Gulizia
Giuseppe Di Tano
Domenico Gabrielli
Daniele Grosseto
Fortunato Scotto di Uccio
Furio Colivicchi
Source :
European Heart Journal Supplements : Journal of the European Society of Cardiology
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Oxford University Press (OUP), 2021.


Atherosclerosis often affects the coronary arterial tree. Frequently the disease does not translate in significant narrowing of the vessels, thus determining only a non-obstructive disease. This condition that is described as non-obstructive coronary artery disease (NobsCAD) should be distinguished from the absence of disease (i.e. smooth coronary arteries) as it carries a specific prognostic value. The detection and reporting of NobsCAD should prompt preventive measures that can be individualized upon the degree of the underlying burden of disease. The accompanying clinical condition, the other cardiovascular risk factors present, and the description of the severity and extent of NobsCAD should provide the framework for an individualized treatment that should also consider the best available scientific evidence and guidelines. The description of NobsCAD represents important information to be collected whenever a coronary angiogram (both invasive and non-invasive) is performed. Treating the patient according to the presence and extent of NobsCAD offers prognostic benefits well beyond those offered by considering only the traditional cardiovascular risk factors. In order to reach this goal, NobsCAD should not be confused with the absence of coronary atherosclerosis or even ignored when detected as if it was a trivial information to provide.


15542815 and 1520765X
Volume :
Database :
Journal :
European Heart Journal Supplements
Accession number :