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Development of Eucalyptus Oil Agro-industries in Kabupaten Buru

Authors :
Rizki Adriadi Ghiffari
Source :
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences. 227:815-823
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Elsevier BV, 2016.


Eucalyptus forest area and total production of eucalyptus oil on Buru Island are the largest in Indonesia. The revenue of eucalyptus oil industry in Buru decreased in the last 5 years and is still managed conventionally. The increasing production capacity and value added is necessary, because eucalyptus oil is the leading commodity in Buru. Therefore, the development of agro-processing eucalyptus oil is one solution to the economic development in Buru. This research which is done through: determining the factors that influence the development of agro-processing eucalyptus oil; clustering potential development of agro-processing; and the preparation of the development of agro-processing of eucalyptus oil. The result of this research, there are 6 development clusters and 2 phases of the roadmap, namely: establishment of new industrial cluster, optimization of raw materials cluster, and the increasing of production capacity efficiently cluster (Factor-Driven); raw material efficiency cluster, industrial activity maintenance cluster, and product differentiation cluster (Capital-Driven).


Volume :
Database :
Journal :
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences
Accession number :