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Temporal order of clinical and biomarker changes in familial frontotemporal dementia

Authors :
Staffaroni, Adam M
Quintana, Melanie
Heller, Carolin
Boeve, Bradley F
Rosen, Howard J
Rohrer, Jonathan D
Boxer, Adam L
Initiative, Frontotemporal Dementia Prevention
Apostolova, Liana
Barmada, Sami
Boeve, Bradley
Bozoki, Andrea
Clark, Annie L
Clark, David
Coppola, Giovanni
Darby, Ryan
Dickson, Dennis
Faber, Kelley
Fagan, Anne
Galasko, Douglas R
Grant, Ian M
Huang, Eric
Kerwin, Diana
Taylor, Jack Carson
Lapid, Maria
Lee, Suzee
Leger, Gabriel
Masdeux, Joseph C
McGinnis, Scott
Mendez, Mario
Onyike, Chiadi
Pascual, M Belen
Pressman, Peter
Rademakers, Rosa
Wise, Amy
Ramanan, Vijay
Ritter, Aaron
Seeley, William W
Syrjanen, Jeremy
Taylor, Jack C
Weintraub, Sandra
Esteve, Aitana Sogorb
Nelson, Annabel
Greaves, Caroline V
Thomas, David L
Ong, Elise
Benotmane, Hanya
Zetterberg, Henrik
Nicholas, Jennifer
Samra, Kiran
Shafei, Rachelle
Timberlake, Carolyn
Cope, Thomas
Rittman, Timothy
Benussi, Alberto
Premi, Enrico
Forsberg, Leah
Gasparotti, Roberto
Archetti, Silvana
Gazzina, Stefano
Cantoni, Valentina
Arighi, Andrea
Fenoglio, Chiara
Scarpini, Elio
Fumagalli, Giorgio
Borracci, Vittoria
Rossi, Giacomina
Brushaber, Danielle
Giaccone, Giorgio
Di Fede, Giuseppe
Caroppo, Paola
Prioni, Sara
Redaelli, Veronica
Tang-Wai, David
Rogaeva, Ekaterina
Castelo-Branco, Miguel
Freedman, Morris
Keren, Ron
Rojas, Julio C
Black, Sandra
Mitchell, Sara
Shoesmith, Christen
Bartha, Robart
Poos, Jackie
Papma, Janne M
Giannini, Lucia
van Minkelen, Rick
Pijnenburg, Yolande
Nacmias, Benedetta
VandeVrede, Lawren
Ferrari, Camilla
Polito, Cristina
Lombardi, Gemma
Bessi, Valentina
Veldsman, Michele
Andersson, Christin
Thonberg, Hakan
Öijerstedt, Linn
Jelic, Vesna
Thompson, Paul
Ljubenkov, Peter
Lladó, Albert
Antonell, Anna
Olives, Jaume
Balasa, Mircea
Bargalló, Nuria
Borrego-Ecija, Sergi
Verdelho, Ana
Maruta, Carolina
Ferreira, Catarina B
Miltenberger, Gabriel
Wendelberger, Barbara
Kramer, Joel
Simões do Couto, Frederico
Gabilondo, Alazne
Gorostidi, Ana
Villanua, Jorge
Cañada, Marta
Tainta, Mikel
Zulaica, Miren
Barandiaran, Myriam
Alves, Patricia
Bender, Benjamin
Casaletto, Kaitlin B
Wilke, Carlo
Graf, Lisa
Vogels, Annick
Vandenbulcke, Mathieu
Van Damme, Philip
Bruffaerts, Rose
Poesen, Koen
Rosa-Neto, Pedro
Gauthier, Serge
Camuzat, Agnès
Appleby, Brian
Brice, Alexis
Bertrand, Anne
Funkiewiez, Aurélie
Rinaldi, Daisy
Saracino, Dario
Colliot, Olivier
Sayah, Sabrina
Prix, Catharina
Wlasich, Elisabeth
Wagemann, Olivia
Bordelon, Yvette
Loosli, Sandra
Schönecker, Sonja
Hoegen, Tobias
Lombardi, Jolina
Anderl-Straub, Sarah
Rollin, Adeline
Kuchcinski, Gregory
Bertoux, Maxime
Lebouvier, Thibaud
Deramecourt, Vincent
Botha, Hugo
Santiago, Beatriz
Duro, Diana
Leitão, Maria João
Almeida, Maria Rosario
Tábuas-Pereira, Miguel
Afonso, Sónia
Dickerson, Bradford C
Domoto-Reilly, Kimiko
Fields, Julie A
Foroud, Tatiana
Gavrilova, Ralitza
Heuer, Hilary W
Geschwind, Daniel
Ghoshal, Nupur
Goldman, Jill
Graff-Radford, Jonathon
Graff-Radford, Neill
Grossman, Murray
Hall, Matthew G H
Hsiung, Ging-Yuek
Huey, Edward D
Irwin, David
Russell, Lucy L
Jones, David T
Kantarci, Kejal
Kaufer, Daniel
Knopman, David S
Kremers, Walter
Lago, Argentina Lario
Lapid, Maria I
Litvan, Irene
Lucente, Diane
Mackenzie, Ian R
Cobigo, Yann
Mendez, Mario F
Mester, Carly
Miller, Bruce L
Onyike, Chiadi U
Ramanan, Vijay K
Ramos, Eliana Marisa
Rao, Meghana
Rascovsky, Katya
Rankin, Katherine P
Wolf, Amy
Roberson, Erik D
Savica, Rodolfo
Tartaglia, M Carmela
Wong, Bonnie
Cash, David M
Bouzigues, Arabella
Swift, Imogen J
Peakman, Georgia
Bocchetta, Martina
Goh, Sheng-Yang Matt
Todd, Emily G
Convery, Rhian S
Rowe, James B
Borroni, Barbara
Galimberti, Daniela
Tiraboschi, Pietro
Masellis, Mario
Finger, Elizabeth
van Swieten, John C
Seelaar, Harro
Petrucelli, Leonard
Jiskoot, Lize C
Sorbi, Sandro
Butler, Chris R
Graff, Caroline
Gerhard, Alexander
Langheinrich, Tobias
Laforce, Robert
Sanchez-Valle, Raquel
de Mendonça, Alexandre
Moreno, Fermin
Gendron, Tania F
Synofzik, Matthis
Vandenberghe, Rik
Ducharme, Simon
Le Ber, Isabelle
Levin, Johannes
Danek, Adrian
Otto, Markus
Pasquier, Florence
Santana, Isabel
Kornak, John
Frontotemporal Dementia Prevention Initiative (FPI) Investigators
Source :
Nature medicine, Nature medicine 28(10), 2194-2206 (2022). doi:10.1038/s41591-022-01942-9, Nature Medicine, 28(10), 2194-2206. Nature Publishing Group, Nat Med
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2022.


Data availability: The datasets analyzed for the current study reflect collaborative efforts of two research consortia: ALLFTD and GENFI. Each consortium provides clinical data access based on established policies for data use: processes for request are available for review at for ALLFTD data and by emailing Certain data elements from both consortia (for example raw MRI images) may be restricted due to the potential for identifiability in the context of the sensitive nature of the genetic data. The deidentified combined dataset will be available for request through the FTD Prevention Initiative in 2023 ( Code availability: Custom R code is available at Copyright © The Author(s). Unlike familial Alzheimer’s disease, we have been unable to accurately predict symptom onset in presymptomatic familial frontotemporal dementia (f-FTD) mutation carriers, which is a major hurdle to designing disease prevention trials. We developed multimodal models for f-FTD disease progression and estimated clinical trial sample sizes in C9orf72, GRN and MAPT mutation carriers. Models included longitudinal clinical and neuropsychological scores, regional brain volumes and plasma neurofilament light chain (NfL) in 796 carriers and 412 noncarrier controls. We found that the temporal ordering of clinical and biomarker progression differed by genotype. In prevention-trial simulations using model-based patient selection, atrophy and NfL were the best endpoints, whereas clinical measures were potential endpoints in early symptomatic trials. f-FTD prevention trials are feasible but will likely require global recruitment efforts. These disease progression models will facilitate the planning of f-FTD clinical trials, including the selection of optimal endpoints and enrollment criteria to maximize power to detect treatment effects. Data collection and dissemination of the data presented in this paper were supported by the ALLFTD Consortium (U19: AG063911, funded by the National Institute on Aging and the National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Stroke) and the former ARTFL and LEFFTDS Consortia (ARTFL: U54 NS092089, funded by the National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Stroke and National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences; LEFFTDS: U01 AG045390, funded by the National Institute on Aging and the National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Stroke). The manuscript was reviewed by the ALLFTD Executive Committee for scientific content. The authors acknowledge the invaluable contributions of the study participants and families as well as the assistance of the support staffs at each of the participating sites. This work is also supported by the Association for Frontotemporal Degeneration (including the FTD Biomarkers Initiative), the Bluefield Project to Cure FTD, Larry L. Hillblom Foundation (2018-A-025-FEL (A.M.S.)), the National Institutes of Health (AG038791 (A.L.B.), AG032306 (H.J.R.), AG016976 (W.K.), AG062677 (Ron C. Peterson), AG019724 (B.L.M.), AG058233 (Suzee E. Lee), AG072122 (Walter Kukull), P30 AG062422 (B.L.M.), K12 HD001459 (N.G.), K23AG061253 (A.M.S.), AG062422 (RCP), K24AG045333 (H.J.R.)) and the Rainwater Charitable Foundation. Samples from the National Centralized Repository for Alzheimer Disease and Related Dementias (NCRAD), which receives government support under a cooperative agreement grant (U24 AG021886 (T.F.)) awarded by the National Institute on Aging (NIA), were used in this study. This work was also supported by Medical Research Council UK GENFI grant MR/M023664/1 (J.D.R.), the Bluefield Project, the National Institute for Health Research including awards to Cambridge and UCL Biomedical Research Centres and a JPND GENFI-PROX grant (2019–02248). Several authors of this publication are members of the European Reference Network for Rare Neurologic Diseases, project 739510. J.D.R. and L.L.R. are also supported by the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) UCL/H Biomedical Research Centre, the Leonard Wolfson Experimental Neurology Centre Clinical Research Facility and the UK Dementia Research Institute, which receives its funding from UK DRI Ltd, funded by the UK Medical Research Council, Alzheimer’s Society and Alzheimer’s Research UK. J.D.R. is also supported by the Miriam Marks Brain Research UK Senior Fellowship and has received funding from an MRC Clinician Scientist Fellowship (MR/M008525/1) and the NIHR Rare Disease Translational Research Collaboration (BRC149/NS/MH). M.B. is supported by a Fellowship award from the Alzheimer’s Society, UK (AS-JF-19a-004-517). RC and C.G. are supported by a Frontotemporal Dementia Research Studentships in Memory of David Blechner funded through The National Brain Appeal (RCN 290173). J.B.R. is supported by NIHR Cambridge Biomedical Research Centre (BRC-1215-20014; the views expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the NIHR or the Department of Health and Social Care), the Wellcome Trust (220258), the Cambridge Centre for Parkinson-plus and the Medical Research Council (SUAG/092 G116768); I.L.B. is supported by ANR-PRTS PREV-DemAls, PHRC PREDICT-PGRN, and several authors of this publication are members of the European Reference Network for Rare Neurological Diseases (project 739510). J.L. is funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Foundation) under Germany’s Excellence Strategy within the framework of the Munich Cluster for Systems Neurology (EXC 2145 SyNergy – ID 390857198). R.S.-V. was funded at the Hospital Clinic de Barcelona by Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Spain (grant code PI20/00448 to RSV) and Fundació Marató TV3, Spain (grant code 20143810 to R.S.-V.). M.M. was, in part, funded by the UK Medical Research Council, the Italian Ministry of Health and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research as part of a Centres of Excellence in Neurodegeneration grant, by Canadian Institutes of Health Research operating grants (MOP- 371851 and PJT-175242) and by funding from the Weston Brain Institute. R.L. is supported by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research and the Chaire de Recherche sur les Aphasies Primaires Progressives Fondation Famille Lemaire. C.G. is supported by the Swedish Frontotemporal Dementia Initiative Schörling Foundation, Swedish Research Council, JPND Prefrontals, 2015–02926,2018–02754, Swedish Alzheimer Foundation, Swedish Brain Foundation, Karolinska Institutet Doctoral Funding, KI Strat-Neuro, Swedish Dementia Foundation, and Stockholm County Council ALF/Region Stockholm. J.L. is supported by Germany’s Excellence Strategy within the framework of the Munich Cluster for Systems Neurology (German Research Foundation, EXC 2145 Synergy 390857198). The Dementia Research Centre is supported by Alzheimer’s Research UK, Alzheimer’s Society, Brain Research UK, and The Wolfson Foundation. This work was supported by the National Institute for Health Research UCL/H Biomedical Research Centre, the Leonard Wolfson Experimental Neurology Centre Clinical Research Facility and the UK Dementia Research Institute, which receives its funding from UK DRI Ltd, funded by the UK Medical Research Council, Alzheimer’s Society, and Alzheimer’s Research UK.


1546170X and 10788956
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Nature Medicine
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