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KEBI 1.0: Indonesian Spelling Error Detection System for Scientific Papers using Dictionary Lookup and Peter Norvig Spelling Corrector

Authors :
Cagiva Chaedar Bey Lirna
Burhan Syarif Acarya
Ibnu Zahy’ Atha Illah
Tresna Maulana Fahrudin
Latipah Latipah
Ilmatus Sa’diyah
Source :
Lontar Komputer, Vol 12, Iss 2, Pp 78-90 (2021)
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Universitas Udayana, 2021.


Many Indonesian spelling errors occur in research papers published to the public, closely related to academics in all institutions such as research institutions, government, schools, and universities. The spelling errors usually writing punctuation, writing letters, writing words, writing words originating from foreign or regional languages (uptake words), using affixed words, and writing ineffective sentences. The mistakes made by the academics then become a cycle in the academic environment. They usually provide guidance for writing an undergraduate thesis, thesis, dissertations to students, or the other forms of documents and scientific papers. Therefore, the research proposed the application to facilitate all authors of scientific papers in producing quality scientific works based on the General Guidelines for Indonesian Spelling published by the Agency for Development and Language Development. The application is named KEBI 1.0 Checker (Indonesian Spelling Error 1.0 Checker), a web-based application with a built-in algorithm to detect and correct Indonesian Spelling in scientific papers. The experiment result shows that the application has given the best accuracy performance to correct the non-standard words, and typographical errors reached 100% and 55,52%, respectively. The application also has been detected 209 meaningless words. The application processing time is relatively low, the average time needed to correct non-standard words is 0.016 seconds, and typo words are 14.58 seconds. KEBI 1.0 Checker is helpful for the end-user in academics but needs to improve the vocabulary of the large corpus in various fields of science for correcting typo words.


Language :
25415832 and 20881541
Volume :
Issue :
Database :
Journal :
Lontar Komputer
Accession number :