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Desiccation-Tolerant Rhizobacteria Maintain their Plant Growth- Promoting Capability after Experiencing Extreme Water Stress

Authors :
Laura Abisaí Pazos-Rojas
Osvaldo Rodríguez-Andrade
Ligia Catalina Muñoz-Arenas
Yolanda Elizabeth Morales-García
Andrés Corral-Lugo
Verónica Quintero-Hernández
Antonino Baez
Dalia Molina-Romero
Jesús Muñoz-Rojas
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Zenodo, 2018.


Bacteria from rhizosphere have the potential to promote the growth of plants, and could be used as inoculants to increase the crop profitability. However, under drought stress conditions, the number of bacteria associated to seeds could decrease below the minimal number of bacteria required to obtain a positive plant response. At the present work, the capability of 28 rhizospheric bacterial strains to tolerate 18 days of air desiccation stress (at 30oC and 50% of relative humidity) was evaluated. Results showed different levels of bacterial tolerance and five categories were proposed based on the bacterial survival ratio to air desiccation (BSRad): highly tolerant bacteria (BSRad˃80), tolerant (60 (40 bacteria were selected to inoculate maize seeds. After inoculation, seeds were subjected to desiccation conditions for 18 days and then sown in sterile vermiculite and watered with MS solution. Only highly tolerant strains were able to survive associated to seeds under desiccation conditions keeping their beneficial traits such as, bacterial adherence, colonization and plant growth promotion. In contrast, the very-low tolerant bacterial strain was not able to colonize the rhizosphere nor promote the growth of the plants. Tolerant bacteria to desiccation have desirable traits in comparison to non-tolerant bacteria, because they could be more stable in powder presentations of inoculants without need of protectants, they could survive with higher numbers in soils with low water availability keeping their ability to promote the plant-growth until the end of adverse conditions; when the seed germination take place.<br />{"references":["Morales-García Y-E, Duque E, Rodríguez-Andrade O, et al. (2010) Bacterias preservadas, una fuente importante de recursos biotecnológicos. Bio Tecnol 14:11-29.","Lin W, Bazylinski DA, Xiao T, et al. 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