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Germline variants in tumor suppressor FBXW7 lead to impaired ubiquitination and a neurodevelopmental syndrome

Authors :
Sarah E.M. Stephenson
Gregory Costain
Laura E.R. Blok
Michael A. Silk
Thanh Binh Nguyen
Xiaomin Dong
Dana E. Alhuzaimi
James J. Dowling
Susan Walker
Kimberly Amburgey
Robin Z. Hayeems
Lance H. Rodan
Marc A. Schwartz
Jonathan Picker
Sally A. Lynch
Aditi Gupta
Kristen J. Rasmussen
Lisa A. Schimmenti
Eric W. Klee
Zhiyv Niu
Katherine E. Agre
Ilana Chilton
Wendy K. Chung
Anya Revah-Politi
P.Y. Billie Au
Christopher Griffith
Melissa Racobaldo
Annick Raas-Rothschild
Bruria Ben Zeev
Ortal Barel
Sebastien Moutton
Fanny Morice-Picard
Virginie Carmignac
Jenny Cornaton
Nathalie Marle
Orrin Devinsky
Chandler Stimach
Stephanie Burns Wechsler
Bryan E. Hainline
Katie Sapp
Marjolaine Willems
Ange-line Bruel
Kerith-Rae Dias
Carey-Anne Evans
Tony Roscioli
Rani Sachdev
Suzanna E.L. Temple
Ying Zhu
Joshua J. Baker
Ingrid E. Scheffer
Fiona J. Gardiner
Amy L. Schneider
Alison M. Muir
Heather C. Mefford
Amy Crunk
Elizabeth M. Heise
Francisca Millan
Kristin G. Monaghan
Richard Person
Lindsay Rhodes
Sarah Richards
Ingrid M. Wentzensen
Benjamin Cogné
Bertrand Isidor
Mathilde Nizon
Marie Vincent
Thomas Besnard
Amelie Piton
Carlo Marcelis
Kohji Kato
Norihisa Koyama
Tomoo Ogi
Elaine Suk-Ying Goh
Christopher Richmond
David J. Amor
Jessica O. Boyce
Angela T. Morgan
Michael S. Hildebrand
Antony Kaspi
Melanie Bahlo
Rún Friðriksdóttir
Hildigunnur Katrínardóttir
Patrick Sulem
Kári Stefánsson
Hans Tómas Björnsson
Simone Mandelstam
Manuela Morleo
Milena Mariani
Marcello Scala
Andrea Accogli
Annalaura Torella
Valeria Capra
Mathew Wallis
Sandra Jansen
Quinten Waisfisz
Hugoline de Haan
Simon Sadedin
Sze Chern Lim
Susan M. White
David B. Ascher
Annette Schenck
Paul J. Lockhart
John Christodoulou
Tiong Yang Tan
Stephenson, S. E. M.
Costain, G.
Blok, L. E. R.
Silk, M. A.
Nguyen, T. B.
Dong, X.
Alhuzaimi, D. E.
Dowling, J. J.
Walker, S.
Amburgey, K.
Hayeems, R. Z.
Rodan, L. H.
Schwartz, M. A.
Picker, J.
Lynch, S. A.
Gupta, A.
Rasmussen, K. J.
Schimmenti, L. A.
Klee, E. W.
Niu, Z.
Agre, K. E.
Chilton, I.
Chung, W. K.
Revah-Politi, A.
Au, P. Y. B.
Griffith, C.
Racobaldo, M.
Raas-Rothschild, A.
Ben Zeev, B.
Barel, O.
Moutton, S.
Morice-Picard, F.
Carmignac, V.
Cornaton, J.
Marle, N.
Devinsky, O.
Stimach, C.
Wechsler, S. B.
Hainline, B. E.
Sapp, K.
Willems, M.
Bruel, A. -L.
Dias, K. -R.
Evans, C. -A.
Roscioli, T.
Sachdev, R.
Temple, S. E. L.
Zhu, Y.
Baker, J. J.
Scheffer, I. E.
Gardiner, F. J.
Schneider, A. L.
Muir, A. M.
Mefford, H. C.
Crunk, A.
Heise, E. M.
Millan, F.
Monaghan, K. G.
Person, R.
Rhodes, L.
Richards, S.
Wentzensen, I. M.
Cogne, B.
Isidor, B.
Nizon, M.
Vincent, M.
Besnard, T.
Piton, A.
Marcelis, C.
Kato, K.
Koyama, N.
Ogi, T.
Goh, E. S. -Y.
Richmond, C.
Amor, D. J.
Boyce, J. O.
Morgan, A. T.
Hildebrand, M. S.
Kaspi, A.
Bahlo, M.
Fridriksdottir, R.
Katrinardottir, H.
Sulem, P.
Stefansson, K.
Bjornsson, H. T.
Mandelstam, S.
Morleo, M.
Mariani, M.
Scala, M.
Accogli, A.
Torella, A.
Capra, V.
Wallis, M.
Jansen, S.
Weisfisz, Q.
de Haan, H.
Sadedin, S.
Lim, S. C.
White, S. M.
Ascher, D. B.
Schenck, A.
Lockhart, P. J.
Christodoulou, J.
Tan, T. Y.
Human genetics
Source :
TUDP Study Group & Broad Center for Mendelian Genomics 2022, ' Germline variants in tumor suppressor FBXW7 lead to impaired ubiquitination and a neurodevelopmental syndrome ', American journal of human genetics, vol. 109, no. 4, pp. 601-617 ., American Journal of Human Genetics, 109, 601-617, Am J Hum Genet, American journal of human genetics, 109(4), 601-617. Cell Press, American Journal of Human Genetics, 109, 4, pp. 601-617
Publication Year :


Neurodevelopmental disorders are highly heterogenous conditions resulting from abnormalities of brain architecture and/or function. FBXW7 (F-box and WD-repeat-domain-containing 7), a recognized developmental regulator and tumor suppressor, has been shown to regulate cell-cycle progression and cell growth and survival by targeting substrates including CYCLIN E1/2 and NOTCH for degradation via the ubiquitin proteasome system. We used a genotype-first approach and global data-sharing platforms to identify 35 individuals harboring de novo and inherited FBXW7 germline monoallelic chromosomal deletions and nonsense, frameshift, splice-site, and missense variants associated with a neurodevelopmental syndrome. The FBXW7 neurodevelopmental syndrome is distinguished by global developmental delay, borderline to severe intellectual disability, hypotonia, and gastrointestinal issues. Brain imaging detailed variable underlying structural abnormalities affecting the cerebellum, corpus collosum, and white matter. A crystal-structure model of FBXW7 predicted that missense variants were clustered at the substrate-binding surface of the WD40 domain and that these might reduce FBXW7 substrate binding affinity. Expression of recombinant FBXW7 missense variants in cultured cells demonstrated impaired CYCLIN E1 and CYCLIN E2 turnover. Pan-neuronal knockdown of the Drosophila ortholog, archipelago, impaired learning and neuronal function. Collectively, the data presented herein provide compelling evidence of an F-Box protein-related, phenotypically variable neurodevelopmental disorder associated with monoallelic variants in FBXW7.


Database :
Journal :
TUDP Study Group & Broad Center for Mendelian Genomics 2022, ' Germline variants in tumor suppressor FBXW7 lead to impaired ubiquitination and a neurodevelopmental syndrome ', American journal of human genetics, vol. 109, no. 4, pp. 601-617 ., American Journal of Human Genetics, 109, 601-617, Am J Hum Genet, American journal of human genetics, 109(4), 601-617. Cell Press, American Journal of Human Genetics, 109, 4, pp. 601-617
Accession number :