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Utjecaj talijanske ortografije na izgovor fonema u talijanskom regionalnom jeziku

Authors :
Irena Marković
Source :
Suvremena lingvistika, Volume 45, Issue 87
Publication Year :


There is evidence today that, depending on different regions, Italians pronounce certain phonemes in different way. For example, the grapheme in zio ‘uncle’ and zitto ‘quiet’ in Northern Italy is always pronounced as [dz], while in the South we hear [ts]. The situation is very similar with the grapheme , which has two different outcomes, [s] and [z], depending on diatopic variable and distributional context (Berruto; Benincà ; Sobrero; Telmon; Canepari). These particular types of pronunciation and articulation can be explained by several factors: dialectal influence on Regional Italian, incoherence of the orthographic system for certain phonemes (with some of the phonemic distinctions being graphemically undistinguished) (Maraschio; Cignetti and Demartini), phonemic (non)functionality and problematic phonemes in Italian language (Muljačić). In this paper we will try to examine the significance of each of these factors that have influenced the variation in pronunciation of Regional Italian as well as the usage of the problematic phonemes in Italian language in the future. On one hand, this paper will compare studies on different articulation and perception of Italian phonemes depending on regional variability (Regional Italian), especially for the problematic phonemes in Italian language. On the other hand, we will analyse the possible influence that the incoherent orthographic system has on the loss of distinctive functions in pronouncing those phonemes (today and in the past). In this way we will try to understand what is going to happen in the future with the (non)articulation/perception of certain phonemes of Standard Italian and how this will affect the phonemic system of Italian language.<br />U radu se objašnjavaju razlike u izgovoru talijanskog regionalnog jezika (italiano regionale), koje su primarno prouzročene dijalektalnim supstratom. Većina dijalektalnih govornika prvih generacija difuzije talijanskog standarda usvojila ga je kao drugi jezik. Stoga su i u izgovoru bile jače prisutne njegove regionalne razlike. Danas je to ipak drugačije, no varijacije u izgovoru i dalje prirodno postoje. Uzimajući velik broj (113) fonetičkih karakteristika regionalnoga talijanskog (iz Telmona), došli smo do zaključka da su neke od tih varijacija sekundarno prouzročene i netransparentnom grafijom i vrlo lošim fonološkim statusom ponekih fonema koji stvaraju veće, odnosno makroarealne razlike na cijelom talijanskom teritoriju. Kako bi se standardni jezik ponajprije osuvremenio te donekle unificirao u izgovoru, predlažemo rješavanje nekih postojećih problema: (1) osuvremeniti i ujednačiti nekoherentni grafički sustav, često temeljen na etimologiji; (2) riješiti fonološke probleme (nefunkcionalne parove prilagoditi prema najnovijem modelu (većinskom) izgovora); (3) predložiti paralelni sustav koji uzima u obzir regionalne varijetete koji bi bili prihvaćeni u gramatikama kao ispravni oblici usmenog jezika.


Language :
05860296 and 1847117X
Database :
Journal :
Suvremena lingvistika, Volume 45, Issue 87
Accession number :