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The role of lipids in the classification of astrocytoma and glioblastoma using MS tumor profiling

Authors :
Eugene E. Kulikov
Evgeny S. Zhvansky
Eugene N. Nikolaev
S. I. Pekov
P V Nikitin
Alexander Potapov
V A Shurkhay
V. A. Eliferov
Marina Ryzhova
D. S. Bormotov
Anatoly Sorokin
Igor Popov
Source :
Biomeditsinskaya Khimiya. 66:317-325
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Institute of Biochemistry, 2020.


Express MS identification of biological tissues has become a much more accessible research method due to the application of direct specimen ionization at atmospheric pressure. In contrast to traditional methods of analysis employing GC-MS methods for determining the molecular composition of the analyzed objects it eliminates the influence of mutual ion suppression. Despite significant progress in the field of direct MS of biological tissues, the question of mass spectrometric profile attribution to a certain type of tissue still remains open. The use of modern machine learning methods and protocols (e.g., "random forests") enables us to trace possible relationships between the components of the sample MS profile and the result of brain tumor tissue classification (astrocytoma or glioblastoma). It has been shown that the most pronounced differences in the mass spectrometric profiles of these tumors are due to their lipid composition. Detection of statistically significant differences in lipid profiles of astrocytoma and glioblastoma may be used to perform an express test during surgery and inform the neurosurgeon what type of malignant tissue he is working with. The ability to accurately determine the boundaries of the neoplastic growth significantly improves the quality of both surgical intervention and postoperative rehabilitation, as well as the duration and quality of life of patients.Ékspress-identifikatsiia biologicheskikh tkaneĭ stala sushchestvenno bolee dostupnym metodom issledovaniia blagodaria primeneniiu metodov mass-spektrometrii s priamoĭ atmosfernoĭ ionizatsieĭ. V otlichie ot traditsionnykh metodov analiza, ispol'zuiushchikh khromato-mass-spektrometricheskie metody opredeleniia molekuliarnykh komponent issleduemykh ob"ektov, ona iskliuchaet vozmozhnost' ucheta éffektov podavleniia razlichnymi ionami drug druga po rezul'tatam izmereniĭ. Nesmotria na sushchestvennyĭ progress v oblasti priamoĭ mass-spektrometrii biologicheskikh tkaneĭ, vopros atributsii mass-spektrometricheskogo profilia opredelennomu vidu tkani ostaetsia otkrytym. Primenenie sovremennykh metodov mashinnogo obucheniia (sluchaĭnykh lesov) pozvoliaet prosledit' vzaimosviaz' mezhdu komponentami mass-spektrometricheskogo profilia i rezul'tatom identifikatsii tkani opukholi mozga (astrotsitomy ili glioblastomy). V dannoĭ rabote pokazano, chto osnovnye otlichiia v mass-spektrometricheskikh profiliakh étikh opukholeĭ obuslovleny ikh lipidnym sostavom. Poluchenie statisticheski dostovernykh razlichiĭ lipidnykh profileĭ astrotsitomy i glioblastomy pozvoliaet bystro provodit' analiz vo vremia khirurgicheskoĭ operatsii i soobshchat' neĭrokhirurgu, s kakoĭ tkan'iu on rabotaet. Vozmozhnost' tochnogo opredeleniia granits novoobrazovaniia sushchestvenno uluchshaet kachestvo i operativnogo vmeshatel'stva, i postoperatsionnoĭ reabilitatsii, ravno kak i prodolzhitel'nost' i kachestvo zhizni patsientov.


23106905 and 23106972
Volume :
Database :
Journal :
Biomeditsinskaya Khimiya
Accession number :