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Factorial and cumulant moments in e+ e- ---> hadrons at the Z0 resonance
Authors :
A. Chou K.C. Moffeit Y. Iwasaki T. L. Usher H. Park A. Szumilo J. Wyss R. King C. Zeitlin D. J. Jackson B. A. Schumm Smith R. Kroeger C. Y. Prescott D. Su M. Kalelkar DO Caldwell T. Schalk R. E. Cassell P.E. Rensing J. D. Turk M. Dima K.D. Shmakov T. H. Burnett S. F. Schaffner R. Cowan M. Piccolo Roberto Dell'Orso S. L. Shapiro J. Va'vra K. Hasuko U. Nauenberg J. Quigley T. Takahashi G. M. Bilei G. R. Bower James Shank Andrea Castro C. Vannini A. Hasan P Desimone Shiro Suzuki J.J. Reidy Michael H. Shaevitz M. Loreti T. Akagi MB Barakat R. K. Yamamoto L. Piemontese B. Mours X. Yang Michael J. Fero I. Abt P. N. Burrows Dario Bisello A. Seiden H. A. Neal Stephen Watts A. W. Weidemann J. J. Russell Enrico Pieroni J. F. Labs J. M. Yamartino R. Cotton D. C. Williams N. B. Sinev S. Willocq L.S. Osborne M. Cavalli-Sforza J. S. Whitaker R DeSangro R. R. Kofler G. H. Zapalac Minghui Liu J. A. Snyder C. Simopoulos P. E. Stamer Martin Breidenbach J. E. Brau A. Lu J. A. Jaros M. Nussbaum Alberto Benvenuti A. I. Trandafir A. Lath D. Falciai Young-Kee Kim N.J. Allen S. Manly V. V. Serbo G. Crawford D. J. Sherden H. Kawahara P. M. Mockett M. E. Huffer J. Huber E. R. Weiss F. Suekane Brian Meadows R. Ben-David D. W. G. S. Leith T. Gillman J.P. Venuti C. Fan C.J.S. Damerell T.J. Pavel R. Frey J. Ma I. Karliner M. G. Strauss Dominik Müller M. Carpinelli Rino Castaldi H. O. Cohn J. Zhou R.D. Elia G. E. Gladding R.A. Johnson Wagner B. I. Eisenstein G. Blaylock R. W. Zdarko R. Dubois M.E. King E. W. Hughes S. H. Williams R. Massetti G. Mancinelli P.Y.C. Du G. D. Punkar M. Langston Rafe Schindler S Narita A. S. Johnson E. Torrence O. Bardon R. Kajikawa A. Sugiyama H. J. Kang O. H. Saxton Hildreth W. W. Ash Timothy Barklow R. Messner H. R. Band T. W. Reeves Zhiqing Zhang H. M. Steiner E. Vella Thomas W. Markiewicz F. E. Taylor Robert Wilson R. S. Panvini X. Liu Fred Wickens S. S. Hertzbach P. C. Rowson H. Yuta Henry W. Kendall A. Calcaterra Cook M. Daoudi J. A. Coller S. J. Hedges T. Maruyama R. Steiner S. Gonzalez J. A. Lauber C. J. Ahn Y. Ohnishi Piero Giorgio Verdini L. S. Rochester Giancarlo Mantovani H. Hwang E. Church T. Bolton T. Junk K. T. Pitts K.G. Baird David A. Williams A. K. McKemey Gilbert Shapiro G. B. Word G. Baranko R. Verdier E. L. Hart S. L. White M. Swartz William J. Wisniewski Johnson A.B. d'Oliveira R.J. Plano K. Abe M. Woods G. Hallewell HL Lynch R. Prepost P.F. Jacques A. O. Bazarko B. N. Ratcliff C. Baltay H. Masuda I. M. Peruzzi E. Mazzucato Wit Busza A. P. Waite K. Furuno Yukio Hasegawa D. G. Coyne D. L. Burke W. M. Bugg C. C. Young S. J. Yellin S. Sen N.M. Krishna Bogart T. Nagamine D. Aston D. Calloway E. Etzion B. Camanzi Abe, K Abt, I Ahn, C Akagi, T Allen, N Ash, W Aston, D Baird, K Baltay, C Band, H Barakat, M Baranko, G Bardon, O Barklow, T Bazarko, A Bendavid, R Benvenuti, A Bilei, G Bisello, D Blaylock, G Bogart, J Bolton, T Bower, G Brau, J Breidenbach, M Bugg, W Burke, D Burnett, T Burrows, P Busza, W Calcaterra, A Caldwell, D Calloway, D Camanzi, B Carpinelli, M Cassell, R Castaldi, R Castro, A Cavallisforza, M Chou, A Church, E Cohn, H Coller, J Cook, V Cotton, R Cowan, R Coyne, D Crawford, G Doliveira, A Damerell, C Daoudi, M Desangro, R Desimone, P Dellorso, R Dima, M Du, P Dubois, R Eisenstein, B Elia, R Etzion, E Falciai, D Fan, C Fero, M Frey, R Furuno, K Gillman, T Gladding, G Gonzalez, S Hallewell, G Hart, E Hasan, A Hasegawa, Y Hasuko, K Hedges, S Hertzbach, S Hildreth, M Huber, J Huffer, M Hughes, E Hwang, H Iwasaki, Y Jackson, D Jacques, P Jaros, J Johnson, A Johnson, J Johnson, R Junk, T Kajikawa, R Kalelkar, M Kang, H Karliner, I Kawahara, H Kendall, H Kim, Y King, M King, R Kofler, R Krishna, N Kroeger, R Labs, J Langston, M Lath, A Lauber, J Leith, D Liu, M Liu, X Loreti, M Lu, A Lynch, H Ma, J Mancinelli, G Manly, S Mantovani, G Markiewicz, T Maruyama, T Massetti, R Masuda, H Mazzucato, E Mckemey, A Meadows, B Messner, R Mockett, P Moffeit, K Mours, B Muller, D Nagamine, T Narita, S Nauenberg, U Neal, H Nussbaum, M Ohnishi, Y Osborne, L Panvini, R Park, H Pavel, T Peruzzi, I Piccolo, M Piemontese, L Pieroni, E Pitts, K Plano, R Prepost, R Prescott, C Punkar, G Quigley, J Ratcliff, B Reeves, T Reidy, J Rensing, P Rochester, L Rowson, P Russell, J Saxton, O Schaffner, S Schalk, T Schindler, R Schumm, B Seiden, A Sen, S Serbo, V Shaevitz, M Shank, J Shapiro, G Shapiro, S Sherden, D Shmakov, K Simopoulos, C Sinev, N Smith, S Snyder, J Stamer, P Steiner, H Steiner, R Strauss, M Su, D Suekane, F Sugiyama, A Suzuki, S Swartz, M Szumilo, A Takahashi, T Taylor, F Torrence, E Trandafir, A Turk, J Usher, T Vavra, J Vannini, C Vella, E Venuti, J Verdier, R Verdini, P Wagner, S Waite, A Watts, S Weidemann, A Weiss, E Whitaker, J White, S Wickens, F Williams, D Williams, S Willocq, S Wilson, R Wisniewski, W Woods, M Word, G Wyss, J Yamamoto, R Yamartino, J Yang, X Yellin, S Young, C Yuta, H Zapalac, G Zdarko, R Zeitlin, C Zhang, Z Zhou, J
Source :
INSPIRE-HEP, Scopus-Elsevier
We present the first experimental study of the ratio of cumulant to factorial moments of the charged-particle multiplicity distribution in high-energy particle interactions, using hadronic Z$^0$ decays collected by the SLD experiment at SLAC. We find that this ratio, as a function of the moment-rank $q$, decreases sharply to a negative minimum at $q=5$, which is followed by quasi-oscillations. These features are insensitive to experimental systematic effects and are in qualitative agreement with expectations from next-to-next-to-leading-order perturbative QCD.<br />Comment: 13 pages, latex file, uuencoded eps figures
Database :
Journal :
INSPIRE-HEP, Scopus-Elsevier
Accession number :